The Covid 19 pandemic, made the importance of strong water, sanitation and hygiene systems, and the services they deliver, perhaps never so evident.
Credit Image: © Donwilson Odhiambo/ZUMA Wire
We all experienced the fast-evolving corona virus pandemic and its impacts on people's health, school attendance and livelihoods. As a response, IRC, being an evidence-based organisation working in public health, brought together resources and tools, both from our own work in countries and of the work by our partners. Resources to support our local district and national leaders in water and sanitation in the countries where we work, to face the crisis in supporting local set priorities
We want to reference the excellent list of resources that has been compiled by the Sanitation and Water for All, on COVID-19 and WASH, to support governments, partners, service providers and international organisations to deliver a response to the global health crisis.
We need to remind the world of the value of ensuring strong WASH systems that transform lives and pull together to make them happen.