Visiting and postal address
Riviervismarkt 5
2513 AM The Hague
The Netherlands
Phone : +31 70 304 4000
Click here if you would like to visit our office
Adresse physique
Rue Zangoeg-Pelgo
Zogona - Ouagadougou
Burkina Faso
Adresse postale
01 BP 5754
Ouagadougou 01
Burkina Faso
Phone : +226 25 50 51 44
Visiting + postal address
Golagul Towers Building
Bole sub city, Woreda 4
House no. 275/276 | 8th floor | 813
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Visiting address
11A Noi Fetreke St
Airport Residential Area
Accra, Ghana
GPS address: GA-086-9454
Postal address
P.O. Box CT 9531
Accra, Ghana
Phone : +233 302 797 473
Phone : +233 302 797 474
Visiting + postal address
03BP51 Hamdallaye Aci 2000 Rue 344
près de la mairie de la CIV
Visiting address
Plot 52
Ntinda II Road
Kampala, Uganda
Postal address
P.O. Box 40398
Kampala, Uganda
Phone : +256 758 200 808
Visiting & postal address
Due to the Covid-19 events, we have closed our office in the US. Our US based colleagues work remotely.
Please contact us for more information on IRC. We have expert staff available as a resource for general enquiries about the water, sanitation and hygiene sector on request.
A record of our press releases is available here