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Economic growth is a key foundation for long-lasting social advancements. Read more...
to develop flagship report on water and sanitation utilities Read more...
Image credit: Theophile Harushyamagara, Water For People Co-authored by Catarina Fonseca, Stef Smits and Lemessa Mekonta The water and sanitation sector faces immense challenges in attracting sustainable financing, particularly in countries where infrastructure expansion is critical. A significant... Read more...
Key insights and calls to action on WASH and social justice from the All Systems Connect International Symposium 2023. Read more...
A call to partners for impactful collaboration in Tenkodogo for achieving universal access to water and sanitation services. Read more...
L'accès équitable à l'eau potable et à l'assainissement reste l'un des défis majeurs de développement dans de nombreuses communes d'Afrique subsaharienne, et Tenkodogo, dans la région du Centre-Est du Burkina Faso, ne fait pas exception. Si des avancées ont été réalisées ces dernières années, la... Read more...
Equitable access to safe water and sanitation remains one of the major development challenges in many sub-Saharan African communities, and Tenkodogo, in Burkina Faso’s Centre-East region, is no exception. While progress has been made in recent years, the situation remains concerning, with... Read more...
This blogpost was originally published by Sanitation and Water for All on LinkedIn and is prepared by Make Rights Real , a group of individuals and organisations, the majority of whom are SWA partners, collaborating on the integration of human rights into water and sanitation sector. Read more...
La première année du projet financé par l’Union européenne et exécuté par IRC et Oxfam a été marquée par des progrès significatifs dans l'amélioration des services d'eau et d'assainissement dans la région du Centre-Ouest du Burkina Faso. Read more...
IRC is currently recruiting, on behalf of Sanitation and Water for All, for a position that will be supporting the achievement of the Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) global partnership’s vision and mission (updated closure date) Read more...
To progress faster and reach more people, we need to professionalise how we deliver water services. Professionalisation may mean different things for delivering water to big towns, villages and hard to reach hamlets. As part of the Safe Water Initiative Jerry works with partners and district... Read more...
Your support provides us the energy to keep going – working together to create strong national and local systems that transform lives Read more...
As a "think and do tank" organisation, IRC is leveraging the WASH Systems Academy to share valuable insights and knowledge about WASH systems strengthening. As part of this process, IRC WASH Ethiopia is launching the translation of the’ WASH Systems Strengthening: The basics’ course in Amharic and... Read more...
Recording of the hybrid session around establishing approaches for strengthening WASH systems in six countries as part of the WASH Systems for Health... Read more...
A journey of recovery and support
The significance and future prospects of Ghana’s presidential compact through the lens of IRC Ghana Country Director, Vida Duti Read more...
Discover the challenges, successes, and lessons learned in crafting this impactful strategy in partnership with the government of Cambodia and UNICEF Cambodia Read more...
The One For All annual report 2023 demonstrates that we truly are going further, faster. Together. Read more...