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Practical experiences of adaptation from the Watershed empowering citizens country programmes in Kenya and Bangladesh.  

TitleWebinar : Adapting your advocacy to COVID-19 health crisis
Publication TypeWebinar
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsWalter, E, Rozenberg, E, Ghose, RK, Mwanzia, P
PaginationVideo (01:33:34) + Powerpoint (38 slides)
Date Published04/2020
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing development programmes to rapidly readjust their advocacy strategy to support local or national governments in their emergency planning. The Watershed empowering citizens programme organised a webinar attended by over 60 participants on 15 April 2020, to discuss and learn about: ways to adapt advocacy approaches in time of COVID-19; practical examples of shifting activities at national and local levels; ways to reach your target audience while social distancing; ways to adapt your messaging, keeping Watershed priorities through the lens of COVID-19.

Included is the video recording of the webinar and the accompanying PowerPoint presentations (also available on Slideshare), which includes some recommendations based on the Q&A session. The titles and authors of the presentations are: "Why is strong advocacy essential during a crisis?" by Evita Rozenberg (IRC); "Watershed Bangladesh : adapting advocacy approaches during COVID 19 outbreak" by Ranjan Kumar Ghose (WaterAid Bangladesh); and "Adapting advocacy approaches in Kenya "by Patrick Mwanzia (Simavi Kenya). 

Citation Key86819




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