Dr Patrick Moriarty is IRC's Chief Executive Officer. A Civil Engineer by first degree and Water Resource Management expert by main experience, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary work on water service delivery and local water governance. Patrick has over twenty years experience of a broad range of issues around water, its management and its use in improving human well-being , predominantly in Africa and South Asia.
Patrick has been with IRC since 2000, and has held several leadership positions; as head of knowledge development; IRC's country director in Ghana; and Director of one of the IRC's major projects -Triple-S.
Patrick's main area of interest is in how IRC can ignite and support sector-wide change that brings improved services (and more sustainable water resource use) to all. He finds the most professional satisfaction working in the messy interface between policy, applied research and practice.
Your support provides us the energy to keep going – working together to create strong national and local systems that transform lives Read more...
Hans helped lay the foundations for the strong, decentralised, mission driven organisation that we are today Read more...
For the September 2024 issue of Amplify, we celebrate the retirement of its long-time compiler and editor, Cor Dietvorst, at the end of a Stakhanovite 41-year career! In doing so, we acknowledge the remarkable contributions he has made to IRC and the WASH sector. As the testimonials and links below... Read more...
WASH Talk episode 17 explains that making universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene a reality for all relies on a strong foundation of... Read more...
Our Annual Report highlights some of our achievements in 2023, connecting people and ideas, systems and solutions to achieve justice for all Read more...
IRC's Patrick Moriarty reflecting on last year's All Systems Connect International Symposium Read more...
This paper introduces the concept of Learning Alliances, a structured process of innovation and scaling up of innovation in the water and sanitation... Read more...
This paper reviews the experiences gained by the SWITCH consortium (of 33 partners) in grappling with stakeholder engagement in urban water... Read more...
Or, why getting basic water to everyone is entirely possible. Read more...
IRC's CEO Dr Patrick Moriarty discusses what systems thinking for WASH service delivery is all about. Read more...
Este documento de antecedentes desencadena la reflexión sobre el tema del liderazgo de sistemas para el Simposio Internacional All Systems Connect... Read more...
Ce document d'information déclenche une réflexion sur le thème de la direction des systèmes pour le symposium international All Systems Connect 2023... Read more...
Background paper to All Systems Connect International Symposium 2023, World Forum, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2-4 May 2023. Read more...
A country that lifts its people out of poverty needs to connect the systems for financing health, climate and social justice, with water, sanitation and hygiene Read more...
Season's greetings
The added value of the SWA Jakarta Sector Ministers' Meeting Read more...
Why are we headed for failure and what can we do about it? IRC's proof of concept galvanises and empowers local political leadership. Read more...
IRC is sharing the review on its Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) performance conducted by Triple C Advisory Read more...
What colour smoke will emerge from this year's COP26? Read more...
What a year its been!