Afou collaborated with IRC from 2017 to 2020 when she was the country lead of the 'Watershed: empowering citizens' programme in Mali: a five-year strategic programme to strengthen the ability of citizens to hold governments and service providers accountable for the services they deliver. Currently she is the Strategic Advisor for the IRC Africa Hub.
Afou has a doctoral degree in Pharmacy from the University of Science, Techniques and Technologies in Bamako. She holds several certificates from the MS-Training Centre for Development Co-operation, Arusha, Tanzania in Policy Analysis and Advocacy, Project Planning and Management, Gender and Governance, Monitoring and Evaluation. Afou brings over ten years of experience in development cooperation working with non-profit organisations, of which six years in the water and sanitation sector. She has many years of experience in planning and management of programmes / projects, lobbying-advocacy strategy development and campaigns, community mobilisation and capacity building of Civil Society Organisations, grant management and partnership management.
L'atelier Agenda for Change à Bamako a réuni des experts et partenaires pour renforcer les systèmes WASH dans le Sahel, en mettant en avant la collaboration régionale, le leadership gouvernemental et des approches innovantes pour garantir un accès universel et durable à l'eau, l'assainissement et l... Read more...