This paper introduces the concept of Learning Alliances, a structured process of innovation and scaling up of innovation in the water and sanitation sector.
Title | Learning alliances for scaling up innovative approaches in the water and sanitation sector |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2005 |
Authors | Moriarty, PB, Fonseca, C, Smits, S, Schouten, T |
Secondary Title | ESRC-funded Seminar Series. Water Governance – Challenging the Consensus. Seminar 3: Politics, Institutions and Participation, 27 and 28 June 2005, The Hague |
Pagination | 26 p, : 3 fig., 4 tab. |
Date Published | 06/2005 |
Publisher | University of Bradford and IRC |
Place Published | Bradford, UK |
Publication Language | English |
Abstract | This paper introduces the concept of Learning Alliances, a structured process of innovation and scaling up of innovation in the water and sanitation sector. Learning Alliances are based on the idea of bringing together a range of stakeholders with complementary roles and capabilities to collaborate on common challenges and opportunities. The paper discusses the theoretical background, the practical aspects and the lessons learned from applying the Learning Alliance approach in different contexts and projects. The paper also raises some questions for further development and refinement of the approach. The paper aims to stimulate discussion and feedback from practitioners, researchers and policy makers interested in improving the effectiveness and impact of water and sanitation interventions. [Generatred by Bing AI]. |
Notes | This paper is a reduced version of the background paper for the Learning Alliances Symposium which took place 7-9 June 2005 in Delft, The Netherlands.Includes 26 ref. |