How do you go from open defecation and unsafe sanitation to reliable and sustainable services? Read more...
New online course on market-based sanitation tested in blended learning session in Ethiopia. Read more...
Experts from India and Bangladesh discussed the best way to deal with faecal sludge management (FSM) in rural areas. Read more...
The leveraging experience has opened new windows of opportunity for better collaboration and partnerships between NGOs and government, and may... Read more...
Exploring existing regulatory frameworks around faecal waste management, faecal sludge accumulation rates, and associated pit filling rates. Read more...
Which professional approaches are required to provide rural WASH services in India? Which capacities are needed and how can a systems approach be implemented? Read more...
Increasing access to affordable credit for WASH customers – a key to unlocking demand Read more...
Credit Crunch: Affordable financing options for WASH businesses are badly needed Read more...
Le plan détaille les actions à mener dans le secteur eau, hygiène, assainissement et constitue le document de référence pour chaque commune et les autres acteurs du secteur à l’horizon 2030 Read more...
Dans le cadre de la décentralisation, la commune de Torodi a pour mission dans le domaine de l'AEPA la création et la gestion des infrastructures... Read more...
District WASH master plan of Makalondi, Niger
IRC together with partners is supporting this initiative by the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative (RWSSI) and the Rural Water Supply Network (RWSN) E-Discussions on Rural WASH in Africa. Read more...
Indian local government institutions responsible for rural water and sanitation services need long-term support. A summary of a thematic discussion... Read more...
A workshop delivers prototypes of more affordable sanitation products that meet the needs of lower income households in Lowland Ethiopia. Read more...
The master plan for Ethiopia's Shashamane district includes a situational analysis, strategic directions, estimated costing and financing, a proposed... Read more...
The master plan for Ethiopia's Negelle Arsi district includes a situational analysis, strategic directions, estimated costing and financing, a... Read more...
Une réunion a été organisée pour évaluer les progrès du plan stratégique communal des services publics d'eau potable et d'assainissement de Banfora. Read more...
In February and March 2021, home improvement campaigns were conducted in 49 villages of Mugusu and Kasenda sub-counties, and a monitoring exercise... Read more...
La mairie de Banfora, avec l'accompagnement de IRC, appelle à l'aide ses partenaires de la coopération décentralisée, pour contribuer à combler le gap de financement nécessaire à la mise en œuvre du plan d'action quinquennal 2021-2025 de son plan stratégique AEPA. Une visioconférence a été... Read more...
Using the Life-Cycle Cost Approach to understand the rural WASH budget. Read more...