Financial monitoring will be useful only if governments lead in setting the service-level standards they want to deliver to citizens. Read more...
Water For People pilots asset management tool in Rwanda. Read more...
Asset inventory is essential in Ethiopia to develop more realistic planning to increase functionality as well as coverage. Read more...
Availability of up-to-date data is deciding the resource allocation in the three Sustainable WASH Programme (SWP) districts of Amhara Region Read more...
Supporting local government authorities in planning and budgeting for sustainable district-level water services. Available in English and French. Read more...
USAID Sustainable WASH Systems learning partnership project (SWS) conducted a document dissemination event in Afar region Read more...
An analysis to track progress towards WASH targets
Some key changes in the enabling environment could lead to significant growth in the sanitation market. Read more...
Understanding local systems to find solutions to poor sustainability in Ethiopia Read more...
Les communes Nossombougou, Ouolodo et Tioribougou au Mali ont effectué, d'avril à mai 2019, un diagnostic des ouvrages d'eau et d'assainissement érigés au sein des établissements scolaires et les centres de santés. Read more...
La commune de Banfora a effectué un diagnostic organisationnel de son service technique en charge de l'eau, l'hygiène et l'assainissement (SEHA) en novembre 2018. Read more...
This report examines the status and value of WASH infrastructure assets in Mile, Afar region and South Ari, SNNPR, the costs and sources of financing... Read more...
This presentation describes IRC's Asset Registry Assessment Tool and how Water For People used it in Rwanda's Rulindo district. Read more...
As Ethiopia manages to develop more and more new rural water schemes – springs, wells or boreholes with hand-pumps or engines, piped water – keeping the existing infrastructure running well and safely is a challenge that gets bigger every day. And, despite some encouraging efforts, it's a challenge... Read more...
In episode 4 of WASH Talk, it is discussed why asset management is rural areas is so critical. Read more...
Asset management is critical for all WASH systems as 30% of the infrastructure is often not working. Read more...
For less than US$12 per person per year a town in Honduras can ensure that everyone's water supply keeps working. Read more...
El Municipio de Chinda alcanzó la cobertura total en los servicios de agua. Sin embargo, el municipio tiene que invertir hasta 11.8 US$/persona en agua cada año para siempre. La buena noticia es que este monto es asequible para el municipio y le permitirá mantener la cobertura total, para siempre... Read more...
Join for a three-part webinar series as we explore ways to move beyond just reporting and turn our data into action. Read more...
This case study looks at the implementation of asset management in two municipalities of South Africa. Read more...