Head of corporate communications | Change hub
Petra is a proud member of IRC's Communications and Influencing Team. In her role as head of corporate communications she is committed to make IRC's mission 'water and sanitation for all' resonate and generate action, across the boundaries of the water and sanitation sector's silos. Her motto: less is more, cut the crap and let's work. Petra has been with IRC since 2003.
Joint press release
IRC launches new campaign to promote systems thinking in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector. Read more...
IRC launches new campaign to promote systems thinking in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector. Read more...
SDG 6 can only be achieved if stakeholders from different sectors come together to find collective solutions to the challenges. What makes these multi-stakeholder platforms a success? how do they last? and who is actually in charge of them? In this video blog, Jeroen Warner from Wageningen University, shares the ins and outs of multi-stakeholder platforms.
"Toilets with systems? What a bunch of nerds." This poo hopes nothing will change on World Toilet Day – but IRC know how to take care of him permanently.
Read more...Turning World Toilet Day into World Sanitation Systems Day Read more...
Turning World Toilet Day into World Sanitation Systems Day Read more...
Using an asset inventory tool to improve water services in South Ari woreda in Ethiopia.
Creating a favorable school environment for girls fosters their education. Raising awareness around the importance of menstrual hygiene management is important to break the taboos around menstruation and to take actions in order for girls to stay in schools.
We rely on complex systems, but we are "systems blind". Patrick Moriarty at TedXDenHelder, talking about the need to wake up and open our eyes and realize that in reality, strong systems are the most sustainable solution.
In the Ugandan district of Kabarole, IRC is working to support local government create sustainable water and sanitation services and assisting to sustain them.
It is all about monitoring. Everyone wants to know - but who needs to know? and what do we need to know? Video developed as part of the UNICEF-IRC partnership 'Knowledge Management and Sector Learning in West and Central African Countries'. Script by Ton Schouten.
Read more...Video 'Making monitoring count' discusses the challenges around monitoring: everyone wants to know - but who needs to know? and what do we need to know? Read more...
Passing on the baton. IRC takes the legacy of Ton Schouten forward. Read more...
Harold Lockwood, giving a testimony to Ton's life at the USAID Co-creation workshop in Washington D.C. Harold and Ton got to know each other since the 1999s early 2000, both forming part of the Thematic Group on Scaling-Up Community Management for Rural Water Supply, and worked together off and on, ever since.
Read more...The WASH Ethiopia 7th Annual Multi-Stakeholder Forum (MSF), which will take place in the Hilton Hotel in Addis Ababa from December 16-17, 2015 focuses on the theme 'Priority for One WaSH National Program'. The One WaSH National Programme is the world's largest sector-wide approach to WASH. The... Read more...
What are the factors that facilitate and inhibit the success of ICT-based reporting to improve rural water supply sustainability? Find out by joining a webinar on Tuesday 8 September, from 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM CEST, that will look into the potentials and pitfalls of using ICTs in the water and... Read more...
IRC focuses its efforts on processes of change in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector towards more sustainable and cost-effective service delivery. However, the adoption of promising approaches and good practices in such processes often remains limited, as a result of factors such as:... Read more...
Micheal Abera talks about the collaboration between IRC and HOAREC in the work on a baseline study for UNICEF on water, sanitation and hygiene across small towns in Ethiopia.