Former Programme Officer| Change hub
Vera is a Master of Arts: Journalism and post graduate in Electronic Information Management (Moscow State University and The Robert Gordon University). In the past 15 years, she has gained experiences in working with both traditional and new media, strategic communications, publications, knowledge and information management, communication technologies and children's issues. Prior to joining IRC, she worked for the Bernard van Leer Foundation in Den Haag (the Netherlands) that works to improve opportunities for children up to age 8 who are growing up in socially and economically difficult circumstances; Save the children – Redd Barna(Uganda) and Commercial Television (STV-Uganda).
Vera was appointed organisational trust person in 2016.
New and proven models for service delivery across the African context Read more...
Modèles nouveaux et éprouvés de prestation de services dans le contexte africain Read more...
This paper presents IRC Ghana's experience of acting as a 'hub' to support collective action in the Asutifi North District of Ghana. Read more...
Multi-stakeholder engagement is critical for making progress towards Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 'Ensure access to water and sanitation for... Read more...
SDG 6 Special Event, 8:00-9:30 EDT on 13 July, Conference Room 8, UNHQ Co-hosted by the UN-Water Chair and the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs As we approach next year’s historic UN 2023 Water Conference, preparatory events and an informal briefing on the themes of the... Read more...
The World Water Week annual event is organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute [SIWI] and focused on transforming global water challenges Read more...
Join us for the launch of district sanitation and hygiene services for communities' project | Venue: District Assembly Hall, Kenyasi | Date: June 7, 2022 | Time: 09:30 Read more...
Join us for the launch of Districtwide full WASH Coverage Initiative in Ahafo Region | Venue: Zeniel Hotel, Goaso | Date: June 9, 2022 | Time: 09:30 Read the brief and programme [Regional Programme brief]Leveraging partnerships to scale-up innovations for universal WASH services by 2030 Read more...
Coming together to increase the political prioritisation of water, sanitation, and hygiene and ensure the integration of these services in national climate, health, and economic policies and strategies. Read more...
IRC CEO Dr Patrick Moriarty will giving a keynote presentation on "Systems Approaches Towards Achieving SDG 6 Targets". Read more...
Why is self-supply important and what can WASH professionals, governments, academia, funders and implementers do to help self-supply reach its... Read more...
This annual event brings together experts in the WASH sector as speakers to highlight promising global approaches to selected topics. During the 2-day symposium, IRC and partners will share their rich experiences on the water, sanitation, and hygiene during keynotes, workshops, and panel sessions... Read more...
"Water Security for Peace and Development"
Join us for the Safe Water Strategy e-Learning series Can your doctor wash his/her hands? Votre médecin peut-il se laver les mains? Join an engaging virtual bilingual [English and French] event on reaching universal and sustainable WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) services in health care... Read more...
Celebration of the World Toilet Day
The case of Kijura Town Council in Kabarole District, Uganda. Read more...
Influencing national policy and bringing it back to district level. Read more...
The 8th Africa Water Week (AWW-8) and the 6th AfricaSan will be held virtually from November 22-26, 2021. Read more...
Join SWS for an engaging webinar about lessons learned from a systems approach to support stakeholder understanding of WASH service delivery. October 27, 2021 at 10 a.m. EDT | 16:00 CEST | 17:00 Ethiopia. Kenya and Uganda Read more...