Former Programme Officer| Change hub
Vera is a Master of Arts: Journalism and post graduate in Electronic Information Management (Moscow State University and The Robert Gordon University). In the past 15 years, she has gained experiences in working with both traditional and new media, strategic communications, publications, knowledge and information management, communication technologies and children's issues. Prior to joining IRC, she worked for the Bernard van Leer Foundation in Den Haag (the Netherlands) that works to improve opportunities for children up to age 8 who are growing up in socially and economically difficult circumstances; Save the children – Redd Barna(Uganda) and Commercial Television (STV-Uganda).
Vera was appointed organisational trust person in 2016.
An in-depth inclusive analysis on country-level accountability mechanisms towards Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) on clean water and... Read more...
A podcast about empowering civil society with transparency tools to aid in the fight against lagging WASH budgets. Read more...
This strategy is aligned with government priorities and trends in the WASH sector, and interventions by other development partners. Read more...
This document sets out a series of participatory exercises that can be used to design a 2-4 day programme focused on sector strengthening for... Read more...
Existing models used for financing water infrastructure development do not seem very applicable to the realities of small towns. Read more...
New 2018 RWSN webinar series on rural water services, April 3rd - June 5th, 2018 Read more...
Communal groundwater supplies are likely to remain the main source of improved water supplies for many rural areas in Africa and South Asia for... Read more...
How do you make development programmes inclusive and what challenges do you face. Read more...
The district's unserved have been mapped and the dilemmas identified that need to be overcome to ensure that no one is left behind. Read more...
Water-related emotional distress is predominantly associated with the 'cost of water' and the 'size of household'. Read more...
The Safe Water 2 Programme is "a place for innovation," says Hester Foppen of Aqua for All . As a partner in the ' Safe Water Phase 2' Programme , IRC spoke to her about business viability and innovation at a stakeholder workshop in Nepal in the fall of 2017. Read more...
This podcast discusses how to finance water utilities when traditional sources of capital dry up. Read more...
A strategic partnership has broken down barriers between those who plan, provide and use services enabling them to 'walk the talk' of coordination... Read more...
A short documentary depicting some of the key issues surrounding WASH/IWRM Integration. It is set in Rwenzori Region, Western Uganda.
Read more...In celebration of IRC's 50th Anniversary, IRC US is hosting a series of events. The first in the series will be a brown bag lunch featuring a presentation and discussion on harmonized monitoring with Antonio Rodriguez Serrano, World Bank Senior Water and Sanitation Specialist. He will present... Read more...
Through the e-discussion, participants have the opportunity to share stories and experiences from the field on holding governments accountable in delivering sustainable water services. The lessons learnt and advocacy messages from this e-discussion will be compiled into an RWSN e-discussion summary... Read more...
During a stakeholder workshop in Nepal in September 2017, IRC spoke with Anisha Karn, Marketing Manager of SmartPaani, a Nepalese private water company, about business viability, social marketing and innovation in Nepal. Read more...
Online humanitarian Question&Answer [Q&A] forum KnowledgePoint is modernising in its user experience, data security and use of gaming technology, among other areas, over the next six months. Read more...
Innovative mechanisms for the financing of capital maintenance of piped systems in Ghana may not necessarily fix the problems of poor service... Read more...