developing a National Menstrual Hygiene Management Strategic Plan. As part of the plan development processes, a situational analysis was carried out... Read more...
Based on evidence-based monitoring of water and sanitation service levels, budgets, outcome harvesting, district capacity assessment and water... Read more...
A guide for implementing WASH in schools initiatives, based on a compilation of best practices in WASH from 15 prize winning schools in Odisha state... Read more...
An analysis of government interventions for providing institutional water and sanitation services, with recommendations on how to improve... Read more...
Material prepared by a team from the Ghana National Development Planning Commission and IRC Ghana Clement Akazeire Nyaaba, head teacher of Foe Primary School B, being interviewed in front of water tower that serves schools in the town His school with 186 pupils is one of three that shared a single... Read more...
An Excel tool to assess the strengths and weaknesses of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services: both in general and for a specific service... Read more...
This #GivingTuesday we give more information on the global status, what IRC does and could do. Read more...
More funding, standardisation of infrastructure designs and requirements, better sector coordination and better knowledge and resources sharing would... Read more...
WASH Talk podcast on the creative solutions, which Dutch NGOs Simavi and Aqua for All are using in Africa. Read more...
Follow-up study to assess if the Ugandan Ministry of Education circular on MHM is implemented. Read more...
My “little kid” excitement was sparked, when I participated in a session on WASH away from home. Read more...
This is the story of how a bold experiment in delegation and collaboration turned WASH despair into a beacon of hope Read more...
In 2023, IRC Burkina, supported by UNICEF, experimented with a delegated management model in two pilot schools, aiming to delegate toilet management... Read more...
No better timing for this story than the first day of the school term Read more...
Utilising document review, interviews, and budget analysis, the assessment finds encouraging progress in implementing the master plan, although... Read more...