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developing a National Menstrual Hygiene Management Strategic Plan. As part of the plan development processes, a situational analysis was carried out in 2020 around the topic in 14 districts. This reports presents the findings of the situational analysis, describes the MHH challenges and presents recommendations for the way forward.

TitleSituation analysis study on menstrual health and hygiene management (MHM) in Uganda
Publication TypeResearch Report
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsUganda. Ministry of Educations Sports. Gender Unit, IRC Uganda, Council, WSupply and
Pagination86 p. : 5 fig., 11 tab.
Date Published05/2020
PublisherMinistry of Education and Sports (MOES)
Place PublishedKampala , Uganda
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordshealth, menstrual health and hygiene

Menstrual health and hygiene (MHH) challenges and recommendations for a National Menstrual Hygiene Management Strategic Plan.  

Citation Key87781




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