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TitleLife skills-based hygiene education : a guidance document on concepts, development and experiences with life skills-based hygiene education in school sanitation and hygiene education programmes.
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsPostma, L, Getkate, R, van Wijk-Sijbesma, CA
Secondary TitleTechnical paper series / IRC
Paginationxiv, 144 p. : 12 boxes, 1 fig., 10 tab.
Date Published2004-12-01
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
ISSN Number9066870451
Keywordsfood hygiene, guidelines, health education, participatory methods, personal hygiene, sanitation, schools, sdihyg, solid wastes, water supply, water-related diseases

The paper is divided into three sections: section 1 gives a general introduction to life skills-based hygiene education; section 2 gives a general overview of the content of life skills-based hygiene education; and section 3 provides a set of examples of lesson plans for life skills-bases hygiene education. Focus is on primary school children.

The document is based on the experience of the education programme teams of IRC and UNICEF collaborating in a global school sanitation and hygiene education project in six countries (Burkina Faso, Colombia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Vietnam and Zambia) and three states in India.


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