A framework for monitoring sustainable water services has been developed and successfully tested in three districts in Ghana. The framework supports the transition from a focus on counting water systems to monitoring services provided and sustained and is now being scaled up to 8 of the country's... Read more...
Triple-S (Sustainable Services at Scale) has led a process of learning and innovation to improve rural water service delivery in Ghana and Uganda. Each experiment has documented, results and recommendations shared with stakeholders in the two countries. In addition, the progress on the innovation... Read more...
In Ghana and Uganda, Triple-S has run a range of experiments to improve water service delivery. Taken together, these experiments were expected to contribute to the sustainability and quality of rural water services and to build sector capacity for future innovation and informed policy making. Read more...
Thinking critically about how you do your work and seeing the bigger picture towards which you are working, can improve the effectiveness of your work. Read more...
The focus is on salt water intrusion in coastal groundwater systems, as groundwater is the main resource of drinking water and irrigation water for... Read more...
Experience in Uganda reveals the importance of continuous learning and reflection for providing water services that last. Read more...
Triple-S has been leading a process of active innovation and experimentation in Ghana (as well as in other countries). This involves running a number of experiments (five in Ghana and seven in Uganda) spanning the range of areas where innovative approaches to current challenges have been identified. Read more...
Triple-S has been leading a process of active innovation and experimentation in Uganda (as well as in other countries). This involves running a number of experiments spanning the range of areas where innovative approaches to current challenges have been identified. Read more...
Etude de cas des latrines EcoSan dans le cadre du projet d'appui à l'assainissement familial dans 12 communes rurales des régions du Plateau Central... Read more...
IRC Burkina Faso a demandé à un opérateur privé s'il était possible d'améliorer la qualité de service des PMH sans augmenter le tarif payé par les usagers. La réponse est : oui, mais il faut changer l'échelle de gestion de la maintenance. Read more...
C’est avec grand plaisir que nous annonçons la mise à disposition gratuite de l’eBook Priceless ! détaillant les coûts réels de l’eau et de l’assainissement. Vous pourrez télécharger cette publication WASHCost à partir de septembre 2014 sur le site IRCWASH. Read more...
"We can see that what was happening six or seven thousand years ago is still affecting what is happening in the subsurface from a salinity point of view. If you want to know what is happening now, you have to go back in time and try to understand how the groundwater system works," says Oude Essink Read more...
What about looking deep into on-going WASH programmes and analysing their strengths and weaknesses? What about designing innovative ways of measuring the effectiveness of these approaches? And what about testing adjustments to their activities to make the interventions even more effective? Read more...
Life-cycle cost approach has been adapted to cost the provision of water services to refugees in camps Read more...
THE HAGUE, 27 August 2014 – IRC is proud to announce that the WASHCost e-book "Priceless!" is now available for free download online. Read more...
This book provides readers with a glimpse into the realities of managing large-scale initiatives with ambitious goals. It reveals that through... Read more...
We are delighted to announce that the WASHCost e-book, Priceless! Uncovering the real costs of water and sanitation, is available for free download on IRCWASH from September 2014. Read more...
IRC is leading a unique public-private partnership to test a recently developed ProCleanse water filter for households. The filter which can process around five gallons of clean water an hour and lasts for 10 years without the use of chemicals or components replacement will be tested in Ghana. The... Read more...
An action research project has developed a decision-support tool to help deliver arsenic- and salt-free drinking water in Bangladesh. Read more...