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G. Ferrazzi, Ghana local government act 1993 : a comparative analysis in the context of the review of the act. Local Governance and Poverty Reduction Support Programme, LGPRSP, Accra, Ghana, p. ii, 46 p. : fig., tab., 2006.
H. Alegre, Baptista, J. M., Cabrera, E., Cubillo, F., Duarte, P., Hirner, W., Merkel, W., and Parena, R., Performance indicators for water supply services. London, UK: IWA Publishing, 2006, p. xviii, 289 p. : 28 fig., 73 tab.
G. Pearce-Oroz, The viability of decentralized water and sanitation provision in developing countries : the case of Honduras, Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp. p. 31-50 : 3 fig., 5 tab., 2006.
E. Nissen-Petersen, Madsen, B., and Katui-Katua, M., Water for rural communities : how Kenyan rural communities can construct their own water supplies with assistance from the Water Services Trust Fund, vol. no. 1. Asal Consultants, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 52 p. : map, photogr., tab. , 2006.
D. Dole and Bartlett, I., Beyond cost recovery : setting user charges for financial, economic, and social goals, vol. no. 10. Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, 2004, p. 38 p. : 3 tab.
A. Wright, Vaidyanathan, A., and Del Rosario, B. P., Center-commissioned external review of International Water Management Institute : consolidated report, 19-29 May 2003, vol. no. 67. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 2004, p. xv, 88 p. : fig., tab.
U. Directorat UG, Presentation at Joint Technical Review of Partnership Fund for development partners joint funding of water and sanitation sector programme support. Uganda, Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment, Directorate for Water Development, Kampala, Uganda, p. 15 p., 2004.
P. A. Harvey and Reed, R. A., Rural water supply in Africa : building blocks for handpump sustainability. Loughborough, UK: Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University of Technology, 2004, p. xxii, 281 p. : 37 boxes, 31 fig., 15 photogr., 31 tab.
S. Kayaga and Sansom, K., Serving all urban consumers : a marketing approach to water services in low and middle-income countries. Book 5. Sample strategic marketing plan for water services in Kampala city, Uganda. Loughborough, UK: Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, 2004, p. viii, 108 p. + 4 p. annexes : 7 boxes, 4 fig., 38 tab.
C. Njiru and Sansom, K., Serving all urban consumers : a marketing approach to water services in low and middle-income countries. Book 4. Sample strategic marketing plan for water services in Mombasa and the Coast Region. Loughborough, UK: Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, 2004, p. xi, 110 p. : 23 fig., 29 tab.
Water Supply Authority -Vientiane, LA, WASA, Water Supply Authority (WASA) annual water sector performance report 2003. Water Supply Authority (WASA), Vientiane, Lao PDR, p. 65 p. : 10 fig., 2004.
J. Cammack, Basic accounting for small groups, 2nd ed.nd ed. Oxford, UK: Oxfam Publishing, 2003, p. ix, 146 p. : fig.
B. Kjellerup, Thogersen, J., and Nedjoh, J., Challenges of O&M in the sustainability of rural water facilities, in Towards the millennium development goals - actions for water and environmental sanitation : proceedings of the 29th WEDC conference, Abuja, Nigeria, 2003, Loughborough, UK, 2003, pp. p. 126-129 : 1 fig.
F. R. O. E. C. D. - Paris and Danish Cooperation for Environment in Eastern Europe -Copenhagen, DK, DANCEE, Financing strategies for water and environmental infrastructure. Paris, France: OECD, 2003, p. 114 p. : boxes, fig., tab.
J. Amayo, Improving sustainable acces to safe drinking water, in Towards the millennium development goals - actions for water and environmental sanitation : proceedings of the 29th WEDC conference, Abuja, Nigeria, 2003, Loughborough, UK, 2003, pp. p. 228-231 : 2 fig., 1 tab.
F. Brikke and Rojas, J., Principaux facteur pour un recouvrement durable des coûts dans un context de gestion communautaire de l'approvisionnement en eau, vol. no. 32-E. IRC, Delft, The Netherlands, p. x, 100 p. : 7 boxes, 2 fig., 15 tabs., 2003.
K. Ba, Museruka, F., and Muteta, N., Republic of Mali : rural drinking water supply and sanitation programme : appraisal report. African Development Fund, Fonds Africain de Developpement, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, p. xii, 44 p. : 8 tab. + 12 p. annexes, 2003.
Water Supply Authority -Vientiane, LA, WASA, Water Supply Authority (WASA) annual water sector performance report 2002. Water Supply Authority (WASA), Vientiane, Lao PDR, p. 36 p. : 7 fig., 2003.
J. E. M. Smet, Water user associations : companion paper B1, in Town water supply and sanitation companion papers. Volume 3, 2003, p. 16 p. : 3 boxes, 3 fig., 3 tab.
S. G. Mahmud, Discussion paper : performance improvement of urban water supply. Bangladesh, Department of Public Health Engineering (DPHE), Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 28 p. : tabs, 2002.
NEWAH -Kathmandu, NP, Nepal Water for Health, NEWAH annual report July 2001- June 2002. Nepal Water for Health (NEWAH), Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 68 p. : fig., maps., tab., 2002.
E. Bolt and Fonseca, C., Que no pare de trabajar : un manual de campo en apoyo a la gestion comunitaria en sistemas de abastecimiento de agua en zonas rurales, vol. no. 36. Cali, Colombia: CINARA, 2002, p. 187 p. : boxes, ill.


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