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The book is the final output from the research project 'Guidelines for Sustainable Handpump Projects in Africa' and is designed to assist those responsible for planning, implementing and supporting rural water supply programmes to increase sustainability.

TitleRural water supply in Africa : building blocks for handpump sustainability
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsHarvey, PA, Reed, RA
Paginationxxii, 281 p. : 37 boxes, 31 fig., 15 photogr., 31 tab.
Date Published2004-11-01
PublisherWater, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University of Technology
Place PublishedLoughborough, UK
ISBN Number1843800675
Keywordsadvocacy, africa, community management, community participation, environmental protection, financial management, hand pumps, institutional aspects, maintenance, monitoring, policies, rural areas, safe water supply, sdiafr, sdiman, sdiwat, spare parts, sustainability, technology

The book is the final output from the research project 'Guidelines for Sustainable Handpump Projects in Africa' and is designed to assist those responsible for planning, implementing and supporting rural water supply programmes to increase sustainability. It aims to raise awareness of issues that affect sustainability and the interrelationships between them. It deals with policies and strategies, institutional, community, and financial issues, technology and environment, maintenance systems, spare part supply, monitoring, and advocacy. It also provides options for addressing these issues using examples, and describes how these options can be implemented. The importance of a programmatic approach to the delivery of rural water services is emphasised, as is the need for ongoing institutional support for community management and consideration of alternative management models. The book does not prescribe a 'one size fits all' solution but encourages a flexible, holistic approach to decision-making in order to achieve sustainable outcomes.


Bibliography: p. 235-247

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202.6, 232.2


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