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TitleWater for rural communities : how Kenyan rural communities can construct their own water supplies with assistance from the Water Services Trust Fund
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsNissen-Petersen, E, Madsen, B, Katui-Katua, M
Secondary TitleASAL Technical handbook series
Volumeno. 1
Pagination52 p. : map, photogr., tab.
Date Published2006-01-01
PublisherAsal Consultants
Place PublishedNairobi, Kenya
Keywordscommunity management, construction, financial management, financing, gender, kenya, maintenance, operation, planning, projects, rural areas, sdiafr, sdiman, sustainable livelihoods, training courses, water supply

This report highlights lessons learnt in the application of a community participation methodology enhancing economic development in the Kitui District. It includes gender-specific data, such as employment and training data. In Kenya, women are the main providers of water for domestic use. Empowerment of women to perform their gender role in an efficient way was therefore important in order to secure sustainability in rural water use and water resources management.

The Kalambani-Mutha project was constructed in 1952 and functioned well until its collapse in 1974. Various rehabilitation attempts were in vain. In 2003, in a pro-poor livelihood approach supported by DANIDA, at first 2 pilot projects have been field-tested. In 2004, 4 more water projects using the same methodology have been implemented.

Besides applying an approach where creation of employment and enhancement of income were major variables, the need to see water as an economic good is underlined throughout the project implementation. Water user associations have been trained to run the water facilities as businesses, where profit generating is vital in order to employ staff, ensure operation and maintenance, plan and pay for extensions.

In order to make the water projects self-sustainable much emphasis was given to practical training, learning while doing, of some 300 local artisans and trainees. Local builders were trained to become self-employed contractors. A major objective was to ensure that the artisans trained in business and management skills could obtain status as registered entities capable of being contracted as entrepreneurs and water service providers.

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