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D. General fo DGIS, Sustainable land use, vol. no. 2. The Hague, The Netherlands: Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, Information Department, 1993, p. 66 p.: 3 tab.
J. S. Edralin and Tin-Seong, K., Sustainable natural resource management and spatial planning in developing countries : geo-information technology perspective : selected papers presented at the International Seminar on Resource Management and Spatial Planning in Developing Countries : Ge. United Nations Centre for Regional Development, Nagoya, Japan, p. viii, 312 p.: fig., tab., 1993.
G. Reardon, Women and the environment, vol. 1. Oxford, UK: Oxfam, 1993, p. ii, 62 p.: photogr.
I. T. I. F. A. D. - Rome, Building on traditions : conserving land and alleviating poverty. International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome, Italy, p. Video (30 min.): VHS, 1992.
A. Poungsomlee and Ross, H., Impacts of modernisation and urbanisation in Bangkok : an integrative ecological and biosocial study, vol. no. 164. Bangkok, Thailand: Mahidol University, Institute for Population and Social Research, 1992, p. vi, 71 p.: 3 fig., 4 tab.
M. Falkenmark and Suprapto, R. A., Population-landscape : interactions in development : a water perspective to environmental sustainability, Ambio, pp. p. 31-36: 4 fig., 1 photogr., 1992.
D. Bouman, Study to the relation between ecology, agriculture and hydrology for land and water resource planning in Cambodia : a proposal. SAWA, Ede, The Netherlands, p. i, 11 p. + annexes (ca. 40 p.): maps, 1992.
T. F. Bastemeijer and Lee, M. D., Drinking water source protection : a review of environmental factors affecting community water supplies, vol. no. 15. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. ix, 66 p. : 14 fig., 4 tab., 1991.
R. W. Robbins, Glicker, J. L., Bloem, D. M., and Niss, B. M., Effective watershed management for surface water supplies, Journal American Water Works Association, pp. p. 34-44: 5 fig., 7 tab., photogr., 1991.
J. Hahn, Vrba, J., Aldwell, C. R., Alfoldi, L., Andersen, L. J., Kaden, S., Miller, J. C., and van Waegeningh, H. G., Integrated land-use planning and groundwater protection in rural areas : a comparative study of planning and management methodologies. UNESCO International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO-IHP, Paris, France, p. viii, 102 p.: fig., tab., 1991.
T. F. Bastemeijer and Lee, M. D., La protection des sources d'eau potable. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 21 p.: fig., tab., 1991.
M. Bapat, Crook, N., and Clarkson, D., Letters : [David Clarkson's reaction to "Behind the technical approach to slum improvement", Waterlines, vol. 8, no. 1, July 1989, and authors' reply], Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 31-32: photogr., 1991.
J. Barwise, Local authority environmental policy : a framework for action : conference proceedings report, Robens Institute, University of Surrey. University of Surrey, Robens Institute, Guildford, UK, p. iv, 144 p.: fig., tab., 1991.
W. Critchley, Looking after our land : soil and water conservation in dryland Africa. Oxford, UK: Oxfam Publishing, 1991, p. 84 p.: 21 fig., photogr.
M. F. Baldwin, Natural resources of Sri Lanka : conditions and trends. Natural Resources, Energy and Science Authority of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka, p. xi, 280 p.: fig., tab., maps, photogr., 1991.
N. G. N. E. S. T. - Ibadan, Nigeria's threatened environment : a national profile. Ibadan, Nigeria: Nigerian Environmental Study / Action Team, 1991, p. vi, 288 p.: fig., photogr., tab.
I. T. F. A. O. - Rome, Sustainable development and management of land and water resources : background document no. 1. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy, p. 22 p., 1991.
P. H. Asian Deve Manila and Economic Development Institute -Washington, DC, US, The urban poor and basic infrastructure services in Asia and the Pacific : regional seminar : a report on the Seminar held on 22-28 January 1991 in Manila, Philippines. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, p. 3 vol. (vi, 804 p.): tab., 1991.
M. Bapat and Crook, N., Behind the technical approach to slum improvement, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 24-26: photogr., tab., 1989.
I. J. Jackson, Climate, water and agriculture in the tropics, 2nd ed.nd ed. Harlow, UK: Longman Publishers, 1989, p. xiv, 377 p.: fig., tab.
P. Sun, Dixon, J., Jesena, C., and Aoki, T., Land and water resource management in Asia : report on a seminar, vol. no. 20. World Bank, Economic Development Institute, Washington, DC, USA, p. ix, 54 p., 1989.
D. C. Das and Pandey, C. M., Soil conservation for perspective water management, environment and land productivity : paper presented at the national seminar on new perspectives in water management, New Delhi. India, Ministry of Agriculture, Soil and Water Conservation Division, New Delhi, India, p. 21 p. (A3): fig., tab., 1989.
M. A. Ridgley, Water and urban land-use planning in Cali, Colombia, Journal of water resources planning and management, pp. p. 753-774: fig., tab., 1989.


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