Title | Integrated land-use planning and groundwater protection in rural areas : a comparative study of planning and management methodologies |
Publication Type | Miscellaneous |
Year of Publication | 1991 |
Authors | Hahn, J, Vrba, J, Aldwell, CR, Alfoldi, L, Andersen, LJ, Kaden, S, Miller, JC, van Waegeningh, HG |
Secondary Title | IHP technical documents in hydrology |
Pagination | viii, 102 p.: fig., tab. |
Date Published | 1991-01-01 |
Publisher | UNESCO International Hydrological Programme, UNESCO-IHP |
Place Published | Paris, France |
Keywords | administration, case studies, databases, europe, groundwater protection, information gathering, land use, planning, rural areas |
Notes | Includes references |
Custom 1 | 212.0 |