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A multiobjective urban land-use/ water-resource model, appropriate for use at the strategic planning level in less-developed countries (LDCs), is described and applied to Cali, Colombia.

TitleWater and urban land-use planning in Cali, Colombia
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsRidgley, MA
Paginationp. 753-774: fig., tab.
Date Published1989-01-01
Keywordscolombia cali, flood control, land use, models, municipal wastewater, planning, pollution, urban areas, water resources

A multiobjective urban land-use/ water-resource model, appropriate for use at the strategic planning level in less-developed countries (LDCs), is described and applied to Cali, Colombia. Objectives are to minimize service costs and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) loadings and maximize service levels while accommodating population growth. Vector optimization based on generating techniques allocates new residents to potential urban-expansion zones while simultaniously determining the optimal mix of various water supply and sanitation systems. Potential flood impacts are then simulated and the results used to constrain development in critical areas. Further flood control and reduction of nonpoint source pollution via detention basins are examined. Postoptimality analysis shows solutions to be quite sensitive to estimated water consumption and preset density limits. Deficiencies due to the optimization - simulation linkage and the runoff modeling assumption are discussed and their significance for such modeling in LDC settings is appraised.

NotesIncludes references
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