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H. A. Heijnen, Kamminga, E., and Oenga, I. O., Background report of the Appraisal Mission of phase IV of the Kenya-Finland Western Water Supply programme. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. viii, 54 p. + 46 p. annex: 8 tab., 1992.
G. Regallet and Hanson, A. J., Communicating for sustainable development, Nature and resources, pp. p. 35-43: 3 photogr., 1992.
World Meteorological Organization -Geneva, CH, WMO, Conference internationale sur l'eau et l'environnement : le developpement dans la perspective du 21eme siecle, 26-31 janvier 1992, Dublin, Irlande : declaration de Dublin et rapport de la conference. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, p. vii, 57 p., 1992.
World Meteorological Organization -Geneva, CH, WMO, Conferencia internacional sobre el agua y el medio ambiente : cuestiones de desarrollo para el siglio 21, 26-31 enero de1992, Dublin, Irlanda : la declaracion de Dublin y informe de la conferencia. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 5 + 34 p., 1992.
J. Arntzen, Moolhuijzen, M., and Visser, R., Duurzame ontwikkeling als leidraad voor ontwikkelingsplanning, Internationale spectator, pp. p. 345-351, 1992.
Netherlands. Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment -NL, VROM and DGIS, D. General fo, Is er nog leven na de UNCED?. Netherlands, Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. Video (18 min.): VHS, 1992.
L. A. Kimball, Forging international agreement : strengthening inter-governmental institutions for environment and development. Washington, DC, USA: World Resources Institute, 1992, p. x, 84 p. : 8 tab.
C. H. U. N. C. E. D. - Geneva, The global partnership for environment and development : a guide to Agenda 21. Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations, 1992, p. 116 p.: fig.
UN-HABITAT -Nairobi, KE, United Nations Human Settlements Programme, Improving the living environment for a sustainable future. UN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, Nairobi, Kenya, p. 35 p. : boxes, map, tabs., 1992.
F. Rosensweig and Yacoob, M., Institutionalizing community management : processes for scaling up, vol. no. 76. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 28 p., 1992.
World Meteorological Organization -Geneva, CH, WMO, International conference on water and the environment : development issues for the 21st century : 26-31 January 1992, Dublin, Ireland : keynote papers. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, p. Ca. 230 p.: fig., map, photogr., tab., 1992.
World Meteorological Organization -Geneva, CH, WMO, International conference on water and the environment : development issues for the 21st century : 26-31 January 1992, Dublin, Ireland : working papers. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 1 vol. (various pagings): fig., tab, 1992.
World Meteorological Organization -Geneva, CH, WMO, International conference on water and the environment : development issues for the 21st century, 26-31 January 1992, Dublin, Ireland : the Dublin statement and report of the conference. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, p. vii, 55 p., 1992.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL and DGIS, D. General fo, Latrine projects in the Indo-Dutch Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Programme : a discussion paper. Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. iv, 22 p.: 9 fig., 4 tab., 1992.
J. P. Bruce, Meteorology and hydrology for sustainable development, vol. no. 769. Geneva, Switzerland: World Meteorological Organization, 1992, p. 48 p.: fig., tab., photogr.
M. Straskraba, Zizkova, E., Guth, G., and Dlouha, J., National report of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic : United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, Brazil, June 1992. Prague, Czechoslovakia: Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and Federal Committee, Environmental Commission, 1992, p. 141 + 6 p.: fig., maps, tab.
D. General fo DGIS, Op zoek naar evenwicht. Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, Information Department, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. VIDEO (23 min.) : VHS, 1992.
J. G. Janssens, Operation and maintenance for sustainable and improved WS&S (water supply and sanitation) services in LDCs (less developed countries) : towards a new philosophy. IWSA Foundation for the Transfer of Knowledge, Brussels, Belgium, p. 18 p.: 2 fig., 1992.
T. Cunningham, Hubbard, D., Kinahan, J., Kreike, E., Seely, M., Stuart-Williams, V., and Marsh, A., Oshanas : sustaining people, environment and development in Central Owambo, Namibia. Windhoek, Namibia: S.n., 1992, p. 56 p.: fig., photogr., map.
M. Falkenmark and Suprapto, R. A., Population-landscape : interactions in development : a water perspective to environmental sustainability, Ambio, pp. p. 31-36: 4 fig., 1 photogr., 1992.
U. Winblad, The productive homestead : report of a study tour. Winblad Konsult, Alem, Sweden, p. 21 p.: 13 fig., 1 tab., 1992.
A. I. Garcia, Propuesta de marco conceptual sobre mujer y medio ambiente en Centroamerica. San Jose, Costa Rica: Programa MASICA/HPE, 1992, p. 96 p.
D. C. Pyakural, Strategies for system sustainability of larger water supply systems : with references to case studies in Nepal, vol. no. 58. IHE (International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering), Delft, The Netherlands, p. ca. 120 p.: fig., tab., maps, photogr., 1992.
P. Roark, Kleemeier, E., and LaPin, D., Sustainability assessment for the Benin rural water supply and sanitation project, vol. no. 377. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. xi, 73 p.: 6 fig., photogr., 1992.
A. K. Biswas, Sustainable water development : a global perspective, Water international, pp. p. 68-80, 1992.


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