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Filters: Keyword is WASHCost and Author is Naafs, A.  [Clear All Filters]
A. Potter, Klutse, A., Snehalata, M., Batchelor, C., Uandela, A., Naafs, A., Fonseca, C., Moriarty, P. B., and IRC, Avaliando os níveis dos serviços de saneamento, vol. No 3. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 27 p.; 17 fig., 2012.
A. Potter, Klutse, A., Snehalata, M., Batchelor, C., Uandela, A., Naafs, A., Fonseca, C., Moriarty, P. B., and IRC, L’évaluation des niveaux de service d’assainissement, vol. No 3. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 27 p.; 17 fig.; 1 box, 2012.
F. Naene, Naafs, A., and Zita, J., Monitoria dos contratos de ASH em Moçambique : fomentando a transparência no sector do ASH, WASHCost Mozambique infosheets. WASHCost team, Maputo, MZ, Maputo, Mozambique, p. 1p.; tab.; fig., 2012.
A. Potter, Klutse, A., Snehalatha, M., Batchelor, C., Uandela, A., Naafs, A., Fonseca, C., and Moriarty, P. B., Assessing sanitation service levels, WASHCost global working papers, vol. 3. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 27 p. : 16 fig., 2011.
R. Franceys, Naafs, A., Pezon, C., and Fonseca, C., The cost of capital : costs of financing capital expenditure for water and sanitation, WASHCost global briefing notes, vol. 1c. IRC , The Hague, p. 18 p. : 3 boxes, 2 fig, 2 tab., 2011.
J. Zita, Naafs, A., and IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, Custos das actividades PEC-zonal em Moçambique : analise dos custos dos contractos de 2008 a 2011(PEC = Participação e Educação Comunitário), vol. D 04. WASHCost team, Maputo, MZ, Maputo, Mozambique, p. 9 p.; 8 tab.; 2 fig., 2011.
A. Naafs and Rousseau, K., Finance and cost of capital: an additional cost made visible, WASHCost Mozambique infosheets, vol. MOZ F-01. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 3 p.; 2 fig, 1 tab., 2011.
P. B. Moriarty, Batchelor, C., Fonseca, C., Klutse, A., Naafs, A., Nyarko, K., Pezon, C., Potter, A., Reddy, R., and Snehalatha, M., Ladders for assessing and costing water service delivery, WASHCost global working papers, vol. 2. IRC , The Hague, the Netherlands, p. iv, 19 p. : 5 fig., 5 tab., 2011.
C. Fonseca, Franceys, R., Batchelor, C., McIntyre, P., Klutse, A., Komives, K., Moriarty, P. B., Naafs, A., Nyarko, K., Pezon, C., Potter, A., Reddy, R., and Snehalatha, M., Life-cycle costs approach : costing sustainable services, vol. 1a. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 37 p. : 7 tab.; 6 fig., 2011.
H. Bacar, Naafs, A., and Zita, J., O impacto da inflação nos custos da água, higiene e saneamento, WASHCost Mozambique infosheets, vol. E 01. WASHCost team, Maputo, MZ, Maputo, p. 6 p.; 3 tab.; 2 fig; 2 boxes., 2011.
A. Naafs, Collecting WASH services cost data : experiences from Mozambique : paper presented at the IRC symposium ‘ Pumps, Pipes and Promises: Costs, Finances and Accountability for Sustainable WASH Services' in The Hague, The Netherlands from 16 - 18 November 2010, presented at the 2010-11-01, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2010, p. 12 p. : 7 tab.
J. Zita, Naafs, A., and IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, Custos das fontes dispersas em Moçambique : análise dos custos unitários dos contractos de 2009, vol. C 01. WASHCost team, Maputo, MZ, Maputo, Mozambique, p. 6 p.; 3 tab.; 3 fig., 2010.
P. B. Moriarty, Batchelor, C., Fonseca, C., Klutse, A., Naafs, A., Nyarko, K., Pezon, C., Potter, A., Reddy, R., and Snehalata, R., Decentralisation and the use of cost information in delivering WASH services, in Proceedings of the international symposium on rural water services : providing sustainable water services at scale, 13-15 April 2010, Kampala, Uganda, , 2010, pp. P. 42-44.
C. Fonseca, Franceys, R., Batchelor, C., McIntyre, P., Klutse, A., Komives, K., Moriarty, P. B., Naafs, A., Nyarko, K., Pezon, C., Potter, A., Reddy, R., and Snehalatha, M., Life-cycle costs approach : glossary and cost components, vol. no. 1. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 12 p. : 2 tab., 2010.
C. Fonseca, Batchelor, C., Moriarty, P. B., Naafs, A., Snehalatha, M., Reddy, R., Nyarko, K., Klutse, A., Pezon, C., Potter, A., and Verhoeven, J., A multi dimensional framework for costing sustainable water and sanitation services in low-income settings : lessons from collecting actual life cycle costs for rural and peri-urban areas of Ghana, Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Andhra Pradesh, vol. V1.0. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 41 p.; 2 fig.; 14 tab., 2010.
A. Naafs, Sampling methodology Mozambique : using the MICS [Multiple Cluster Indicator Survey] WASHCost, vol. 1. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 21 p.; 5 fig.; 8 tab., 2010.
H. Bacar, Naafs, A., and Zita, J., Variação cambial em Moçambique seu impacto no sector de agua e saneamento, vol. E 02. WASHCost team, Maputo, MZ, Maputo, Mozambique, p. 3 p.; 1fig., 2010.
P. B. Moriarty, Batchelor, C., Fonseca, C., Klutse, A., Naafs, A., Nyarko, K., Pezon, C., Potter, A., Reddy, R., and Snehalata, R., What’s in a service? : using water service ladders in life-cycle cost analysis, in Proceedings of the international symposium on rural water services : providing sustainable water services at scale, 13-15 April 2010, Kampala, Uganda, , The Hague, The Netherlands, 2010, pp. P. 45-46 : 1 tab.
F. Naene, Naafs, A., and Zita, J., Monitoring WASH contracts in Mozambique : triggering transparency in the WASH sector, WASHCost Mozambique infosheets. WASHCost team, Maputo, MZ, Maputo, Mozambique, p. 1p.; tab.; fig.
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