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TitleMonitoria dos contratos de ASH em Moçambique : fomentando a transparência no sector do ASH
Publication TypeFact Sheet
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsNaene, F, Naafs, A, Zita, J
Pagination1p.; tab.; fig.
Date Published01/2012
PublisherWASHCost team, Maputo, MZ
Place PublishedMaputo, Mozambique
Keywordsmonitoring, mozambique, WASHCost

The water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector has limited collective memory of costs and commitments. In addressing that, we saw that publication of simple contract data triggered a vigorous discussion on unit costs. This data is now being used in budgeting and planning. It marks a step forward in transparency, with more to come. [authors abstract]

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Translated TitleMonitoring WASH contracts in Mozambique : triggering transparency in the WASH sector
Citation Key71983


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