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Objectivo deste documento produzido pela WASHCost é para disseminar ao sector de água uma abordagem económica generalizada sobre as flutuações cambiais nos últimos anos em Moçambique e a sua implicação para o sector de água. [authors abstract]

TitleVariação cambial em Moçambique seu impacto no sector de agua e saneamento
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsBacar, H, Naafs, A, Zita, J
Secondary TitleWASHCost Folheto Informativo Moçambique
VolumeE 02
Pagination3 p.; 1fig.
Date Published2010-09-01
PublisherWASHCost team, Maputo, MZ
Place PublishedMaputo, Mozambique
Keywordsmozambique, private sector, WASHCost

Objective of this WASH-Cost Mozambique produced document is to give the water sector a general approach on the economic fluctuations in recent years in Mozambique and its implication for the water and sanitation sector. [authors abstract, translated]

NotesWith 6 refs.
Custom 1202.7, 302.7
Translated TitleExchange rate in Mozambique and its impact on water and sanitation




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