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Presentations from the WASH Learning theme 1 - Delivering Safe WASH Services session of the All Systems Connect International Symposium 2023.

TitleAll Systems Connect : WASH Learning theme 1 - Delivering Safe WASH Services
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsMshana, A, Yeboah, C, Rivera, L, Wamisho, R, S, S, Slaymaker, T, Lockwood, H, Fulugence, M, Adank, M, Cole, J, Brouwer, B, Boulenouar, J, Dupuis, M, WHO, Twyman, B, van der Voorden, C
Secondary TitleAll Systems Connect International Symposium, 2-4 May 2023, The Hague, the Netherlands
Pagination16 PPTX files
Date Published05/2023
PublisherIRC, Water For People, Water for Good
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish
Keywordssmall drinking-water supplies

The All Systems Connect International Symposium was held from 2-4 May 2023, in The Hague, the Netherlands. The event included ten thematic tracks:
C1) CONNECT health
C2) CONNECT finance
C3) CONNECT climate
C4) CONNECT social justice
W1) Delivering safely managed water and sanitation services
W2) Markets and behaviour change: how people invest and driving to scale
W3) Water resource management: finding systemic solutions
W4) Governments, politics and systems change
W5) Systems change and collective action
D) Country Dialogues

Presentations hosted under this resource were part of WASH Learning theme 1: Delivering Safe WASH Services. 

Realising safely managed services in water and sanitation demands new solutions and better performance, with services tailored to different urban and rural contexts. This theme explored professionalisation, expansion of utilities and the role of private operators in water, as well as city-wide sanitation and area-wide approaches for sanitation in rural areas. 

The theme included the following sessions (please use Microsoft Edge as browser for easy viewing):

W1.1 The drive towards safely managed water supply: getting water on premises

W1.2 Systemic requirements for monitoring and managing water quality - includes:

  • Progress on global monitoring on safely managed water (WHO/UNICEF JMP) - Tom Slaymaker, UNICEF
  • Monitoring & surveillance under Jal Javeen Mission - Asad Umar, Aga Khan Foundation
  • Role of fit-for-purpose labs for monitoring & management (REACH), Sital Uprety, Eawag

W1.3 Transition from community-based management 

W1.4 Strengthening the enabling environment for improving utility performance

W1.5 Private operators of rural water supplies: drivers, experiences and supporting systems

W1.6 Local systems for citywide sanitation (no presentation available)

W1.7 Small but not forgotten: sneak preview of WHO's new guidelines for small drinking-water supplies

W1.8 How regulators can enhance the delivery of onsite sanitation services

W1.9 An area-wide approach for programming rural sanitation 



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