Publications Delivery Manager | IRC Associate
Over the past 10 years, Sterenn Philippe has worked on improving human resourcing, knowledge management and communications in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector. She is very passionate about sanitation and has worked on various capacity development programmes aimed at improving the knowledge, skills and attitudes of sanitation stakeholders including households, the private sector and government officials. She has an MSc in Water and Environmental Management from WEDC and joined IRC WASH as an associate in 2023. She supports the organisation with knowledge management and the publication process.
Sterenn believes the WASH sector can do better and should do better. And it all begins with sharing experiences, knowledge and opinions.
Ever wonder if using the acronym WASH (however clever) has been a barrier to communicating what our sector does? Is it telling of our ability to communicate clearly? Read more...
Discover the challenges, successes, and lessons learned in crafting this impactful strategy in partnership with the government of Cambodia and UNICEF Cambodia Read more...