IRC Associate
Freelance writer, journalist, editor, consultant and trainer. Peter researches, writes and edits mainly on water and sanitation, health and development. He is has been acting as consultant to the BRAC WASH project in Bangladesh supporting their communications work and providing training, and was for five years consultant to IRC's WASHCost project. Over the past years, Peter has been supporting the IRC Ghana team in communicating their district based work.
Increasing repair and maintenance funds leads to higher borehole functionality and water access rates in the drought-prone regions of Turkana, Kenya... Read more...
Research found a strong relationship between variation in seasonal water access and reported emotional response. Water security improvement could be... Read more...
Understanding the financial issues that are relevant to high-level decision makers is a first step in being able to advocate for much needed higher... Read more...
Why is rural water is different for communities, schools, and healthcare facilities across characteristics of scale, institutions, demand, and... Read more...
A guide for implementing WASH in schools initiatives, based on a compilation of best practices in WASH from 15 prize winning schools in Odisha state... Read more...
Despite the high level of exposure to the COVID-19 virus among HCWs in the treatment centers, only 14.0% were at high risk of COVID-19 virus... Read more...
IRC and WASH specialists are working hard to ensure that the rural population is not abandoned in this time of crisis. Read more...
A systems approach requires us to know the importance of political buy-in and strong leadership. Read more...
A WASH system is made up of different people and organisations, so it's important that they all work well together. Read more...
Achieving the sustainable development goal for water and sanitation is hard to imagine. The first step is to work out the steps needed to get there. Read more...
In Asutifi North district in Ghana, the District Assembly is making a bold attempt to achieve district-wide full coverage by 2030. Read more...
Keynote speech by Peter Laugharn at the All systems go! WASH systems symposium 12-14 March 2019 on the importance of changing the way we do business... Read more...
Urban systems are not liner and the cityscape provides a conceptual framing of where sanitation services are located vis a vis urban residents'... Read more...
Twenty-four 24 innovative business models and 47 case studies on energy, nutrients and water recovery. Read more...
The transition from water trucking towards sustainable, utility-led water service models for long-term refugee populations. Read more...
This report is part of the joint project undertaking by Uganda Government agencies: the Ministry of Water and Environment and the National Planning... Read more...