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District WASH Master Planning Facility

Planning works. Setting clear goals and plans in a district succeeds in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6.

A Facility for scaling, funding, financing and implementing district WASH master plans

The district WASH master planning Facility is an initiative powered by IRC and Water For People, which intends to ensure:

  • District WASH master planning is applied at scale
  • District WASH master plans form a robust and evidence-based basis for fundable and bankable projects and programmes
  • Elements from District WASH master plans are linked to sources of funding and financing and are implemented.

The Facility provides a 'one-stop-shop' for interested districts and other stakeholders to develop and implement district WASH master plans. It provides expertise, tools, and training materials, building on the expertise that IRC, Water For People and others have gained over the past years.

At country level, we work closely with relevant national and sub-national government institutions which are responsible for supporting districts in achieving SDG 6. This is to ensure that sustainable capacity is developed, and that the master planning process is firmly embedded in national systems. This helps ensure the rapid scale-up of the master planning process.

The process will give confidence to funders and investors that their investments will actually contribute towards achieving SDG 6 and will also help convince national government to invest funds in districts that have explicit road maps for change.

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