These plans have enabled all the district actors to understand their role and reduce any duplication of effort. They have also encouraged additional investment by providing a clear plan to deliver the vision of the SDGs, thereby giving investors the confidence that their interventions will be used to deliver cumulative changes.
We believe that the best way to bring the transformational impact via master plans to many more districts is by using our District WASH Master planning Facility.
The Facility brings together experiences, materials and lessons learnt, for bringing district WASH Master planning to scale. Here you can find an overview of the process of district WASH master plan development and implementation; guidelines and tools.
The WASH Systems Academy is an online learning platform developed to empower professionals around the world with the knowledge and tools they need to create lasting water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services for all. The new course 'Planning for sustainable services' is now available to all, free of charge