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I. N. P. S. U. Founda Lucknow, Community-based management of handpumps : Indo-Dutch Cooperation in Rural Water supply and Sanitation in Uttar Pradesh : sub-project VIII. PSU Foundation, Lucknow, India, p. 12 p. : ill., 1996.
S. K. Pant, How relevant are rural water supply programmes?, Economic and political weekly, pp. p. 3163 - 3164, 1996.
I. N. U. P. Jal Nig Lucknow, Lucknow, I. N. P. S. U. Founda, and DGIS, D. General fo, India : Indo-Dutch Review Mission 1 to Uttar Pradesh : IDRM-1 (UP-37). Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. xiv, 114 p. + annexes (ca. 120 p.) : map, photogr., tab., 1996.
C. A. van Wijk-Sijbesma, Learning from within : cooperation in programmes integrated rural water supply and sanitation in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala and Uttar Pradesh. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 4 p., 1996.
C. A. van Wijk-Sijbesma, Trietsch, R., De, J., Hoogenboom, A., Kurup, K. B., Meena, T. R., and Vasavada, B. J., Of flows and flush : resources development in the GoI/GoN cooperation programme for rural water supply and sanitation : synthesis paper, in [Various papers distributed at the National Workshop on Operation and Maintenance of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Systems, New Delhi, September 25-27, 1996], 1996, p. 15 p. : 4 fig., 3 tab.
I. N. P. S. U. Founda Lucknow, Participatory communication : an experiment in reaching out. PSU Foundation, Lucknow, India, p. 7 p. : photogr., 1996.
I. N. U. P. Jal Nig Lucknow and Lucknow, I. N. P. S. U. Founda, Realising the change .. : emerging trends on the Indo-Dutch rural water supply and sanitation programme in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India : PSU Foundation, UP Jal Nigam presentation : study tour in the Netherlands. PSU Foundation, Lucknow, India, p. 11 p. : 2 maps, 1996.
L. Schulpen, Some experience from the Netherlands supported project in AP and UP, presented at the 1996-06-25, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1996, p. 7 p.
C. Venkobachar, Kumar, D., Talreja, K., Kumar, A., and Iyengar, L., Assessment of bacteriological water quality using a modified H2S strip test, Aqua : journal of water supply research and technology, pp. p. 311-314: 4 fig., 2 tab., 1994.
R. Trietsch and Hoogenboom, A. M. A., India : sector rural water supply : report on mission 34 to Uttar Pradesh (UP-34). DHV, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, p. 213 p.: map, photogr., tab., 1994.
I. N. Pan Himala Ranikhet, Natural resource conservation plan for Riskan watershed. Pan Himalayan Grassroots Development Foundation, Ranikhet, India, p. 84 p. : ill, map, 1994.
C. Davis and Vaish, D. P., Construction of handpump-equipped wells at high altitude : learning from non-governmental organizations, Waterfront, pp. p. 10-11: 1 fig., photogr., 1993.
I. N. P. S. U. Founda Lucknow, Depicting the process of change : guidelines for monitoring and evaluation of community participation and social imputs in rural water supply and sanitation in Uttar Pradesh. UP Development Systems Corporation, Programme Support Unit, Lucknow, India, p. 4 p. + annexes (ca 50 p.) : tab., 1993.
R. Bose, The emerging power : women in the Indo-Dutch Water Supply and Sanitation Projects : an overview of a policy put on an operational footing. Netherlands Embassy, India, New Delhi, India, p. 46 p.: fig., maps, photogr., tab., 1993.
D. G. T. Rees, Handpumps in the Himalayas for the first time, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 22-24: ill., photogr., 1993.
R. Trietsch and Hoogenboom, A. M. A., India : sector: rural water supply : report on mission 31 to Uttar Pradesh (UP-31). Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. ix, 79 p. + 19 annexes (ca.150 p.), 1993.
R. Trietsch and Hoogenboom, A. M. A., India : sector: rural water supply : report on mission 32 to Uttar Pradesh (UP-32). Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. xii, 100 p. + 14 annexes (ca. 130 p): fig., photogr., tab., 1993.
I. N. A. F. Fergu Lucknow and DGIS, D. General fo, Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam Indo-Dutch rural water supply and sanitation programme - India / Uttar Pradesh : final report on study of operation and maintenance costs. A.F. Ferguson & Co, Lucknow, India, p. 135 p. : fig., tab., 1993.
N. L. D. H. V. - Amersfoort and DGIS, D. General fo, India : sector: rural water supply : introduction of management information systems in U.P. Jal Nigam. Netherlands, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 40 p.: fig., tab., 1991.
I. N. P. S. U. Founda Lucknow, The Jal Samiti in water and sanitation projects : an Uttar Pradesh experience, in NAP India '91 : conference on Indo-Dutch bilateral cooperation in rural water supply and sanitation, February 25-26 1991, Lucknow, 1991, p. 7 p.


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