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The addition of cystine to H2S strips for bacteriological water tests was found to reduce the time required for assessing contamination and to increase sensitivity.

TitleAssessment of bacteriological water quality using a modified H2S strip test
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsVenkobachar, C, Kumar, D, Talreja, K, Kumar, A, Iyengar, L
Paginationp. 311-314: 4 fig., 2 tab.
Date Published1994-01-01
Keywordsbacteriological examination, drinking water, faecal pollutants, india uttar pradesh, laboratory testing, rural supply systems

The addition of cystine to H2S strips for bacteriological water tests was found to reduce the time required for assessing contamination and to increase sensitivity. The modified H2S strip test is proposed for routine bacteriological quality assessment of rural water sources, because it is simple to perform, requires little or no laboratory support, has an unlimited shelf life and is easily portable. The test was used to examine several unpiped rural water sources in Uttar Pradesh, India. Water drawn by the India Mark II hand pump from wells having an average depth of 30 metres was found to be safer than water from rivers, dug wells and shallow wells.

Notes7 ref.
Custom 1241.1


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