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Filters: Keyword is wastewater recycling  [Clear All Filters]
E. Bakker and Boelee, E., Greywater reuse interventions : keyhole and vertical gardens, vol. 5. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 14 p. : 11 fig., 2 tab., 2013.
B. Brandt, A new innovative water cleaning and recycling system for household water : not for potable drinking water!. Regulus teknikutveckling - Sweden, sweden, p. site, 2013.
P. Amerasinghe, Jampani, M., and Drechsel, P., Cities as sources of irrigation water : an Indian scenario, vol. 53. International Water Management Institute, IMWI, india gujarat, p. 8 p.; 5 fig.; 1 tab., 2012.
R. Ardakanian, Sewilam, H., and Liebe, J., Mid-term-proceedings on capacity development for the safe use of wastewater in agriculture : a collaboration of UN-water members and partners, vol. 8. United Nations University, UN Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development, UNW-DPC, Bonn, Germany, p. 159 p.; 23 fig.; 16 tab., 2012.
M. Kurian, V. Reddy, R., Dietz, T., and Brdjanovic, D., Wastewater reuse for peri-urban agriculture : a viable option for adaptive water management?, Sustainability science , p. 15 p.; 1 fig.; 9 tab., 2012.
B. E. European C. Brussels, Would you drink your wastewater? A water brochure for young people. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, p. 28 p.; ill.; photographs; drawings; tab.; boxes , 2012.
A. Terrefe, The case study of ECOSAN in Ethiopia, started 1996, presented at the 2011-03-31, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2011, p. 6 p.
M. Miranda-Rios, Luna-Pabello, V. M., de Velasquez, M. T. Orta, and Barrera-Godínez, J. A., Removal of Escherichia coli from biological effluents using natural and artificial mineral aggregates, Water SA, pp. p. 213 - 220 : 5 fig., 4 tab., 2011.
N. M. Loutfy, Reuse of wastewater in Mediterranean Region, Egyptian experience, in Waste water treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean region, 2011, pp. P. 183-214 : 3 boxes, 8 fig., 5 tab.
H. Hoffmann, Platzer, C., von Münch, E., and Winker, M., Technology review of constructed wetlands : subsurface flow constructed wetlands for greywater and domestic wastewater treatment. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ, Eschborn, Germany, p. 35 p.; 32 fig.; 10 tab., 2011.
D. Barcelo and Petrovic, M., Waste water treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean region, vol. no. 14. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, 2011, p. xiv, 307 p.
S. Mcllwaine and Redwood, M., Greywater use in the Middle East : technical, social, economic and policy issues. Rugby, UK: Practical Action Publishing, 2010, p. 200 p. : 12 fig., 34 tab.
C. Robinson, Evans, A. E. V., and Ahmed, R., Improving management of urban wastewater use in agriculture, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 124-146 : 1 box, 3 fig., photogr., 2 tab., 2010.
S. M. Scheierling, Bartone, C., Mara, D. D., and Drechsel, P., Improving wastewater use in agriculture : an emerging priority, vol. 5412. The World Bank : Water Anchor : Energy, Transport, and Water Department, S.l., p. 107 p.; 203 refs.; tab.; fig.; boxes, 2010.
M. M. Ruma and Sheikh, A. U., Reuse of wastewater in urban farming and urban planning implications in Katsina metropolis, Nigeria, African journal of environmental science and technology, pp. P. 28 - 33; 1 tab.; 1 fig., 2010.
S. McIlwaine and Redwood, M., The use of greywater for irrigation of home gardens in the Middle East : technical, social and policy issues, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 90-107 : 2 fig., 1 tab., 2010.
P. Drechsel, Scott, C. A., Raschid-Sally, L., Redwood, M., and Bahri, A., Wastewater irrigation and health : assessing and mitigating risk in low-income countries. London, UK: Earthscan, 2010, p. 432 p. : 25 boxes, 42 fig., 57 tab.
J. Winpenny, Heinz, I., and Koo-Oshima, S., The wealth of waste: the economics of wastewater use in agriculture, vol. no. 35. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 2010, p. xv, 129 p. : 9 boxes, 10 fig., 9 maps, 34 tab.
L. C. Rietveld, Meijer, L., Smeets, P. W. M. H., and van der Hoek, J. P., Assessment of Cryptosporidium in wastewater reuse for drinking water purposes : a case study for the city of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Water SA, pp. p. 211-215 : 4 fig., 1 tab., 2009.
S. Varma, Evans, A., C. Wells, D. Silva, and Jinapala, K., Attitudes and actions of participants in multi-stakeholder processes and platforms, Knowledge management for development journal, pp. p. 201-214 : 1 box, 2 fig., 4 tab., 2009.
F. Tettey-Lowor, Closing the loop between sanitation and agriculture in Accra, Ghana : (improving yields in urban agriculture by using urine as a fertilizer and drivers & barriers for scaling-up). Agricultural University Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands, p. ix, 95 p. : 38 fig., 14 tab., 2009.
H. Heinonen-Tanski, Human excreta for fertilization of non-edible tropical plants, in Advanced studies in environmental microbiology and biotechnology : Millennium Developing Goals are aimed also for Africa, 2009, pp. P. 4-15.
R. Ahmed, Robinson, C., and Clemett, A., Management and treatment of urban wastewater for irrigation in Rajshahi, Bangladesh - WASPA Asia Project. Dhaka, Bangladesh: NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation, 2009, p. 33 p. : 2 fig., 1 tab.
S. Smits, C. Wells, D. Silva, and Evans, A., Strengthening capacities for planning of sanitation and wastewater use : experiences from two cities in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, vol. 44. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 56 p. : 3 boxes, 5 fig., 7 tab., 2009.
E. Tilley, Lüthi, C., Morel, A., Zurbrugg, C., and Schertenleib, R., Compendium of sanitation systems and technologies. Duebendorf, Switzerland: Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG), 2008, p. 158 p. : fig.


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