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TitleTechnology review of constructed wetlands : subsurface flow constructed wetlands for greywater and domestic wastewater treatment
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsHoffmann, H, Platzer, C, von Münch, E, Winker, M
Pagination35 p.; 32 fig.; 10 tab.
Date Published2011-02-01
PublisherDeutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ
Place PublishedEschborn, Germany
Keywordsdomestic use, wastewater, wastewater collection, wastewater recycling, wastewater treatment

This booklet focuses on treating domestic/municipal wastewater or grey water using subsurface flow-constructed wetlands with coarse sand as a filter medium. The emphasis is on the application in developing countries and countries in transition. In the publication, an overview and basic guidance is provided on the design and maintenance of horizontal flow beds, vertical flow beds, and the French System. [authors abstract]

NotesWith bibliography on p. 29 - 32
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