One of the most quoted WASH statistics was recently “downgraded”. For every $1 invested in water and sanitation, not $8 but “only” $4 is returned in economic returns through increased productivity. This recalculation, says WHO, is mainly a result of higher investment cost estimates and the more... Read more...
How do you set a tariff for water in a small town, so that people can afford to pay and there is enough money to sustain the service?" Read more...
O objectivo deste documento da WASHCost Moçambique é de analisar os valores dos contractos assinados pelo Governo no ano 2009. O segundo objectivo é... Read more...
What does it cost to provide water services that last? What do we mean by a water service? Read more...
WaterHackathon—a collaborative event between software developers and designers to solve water problems—blogged about the benefits and limitations of Field Level Operations Watch (FLOW). Representatives of Water For People, the World Bank, and IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre shared... Read more...
This paper is about the costs of providing direct and indirect support to rural water service provision and provides an overview of the features such... Read more...