A presentation on post-construction support for lasting WASH Services Mozambique. Read more...
Programme managers and funders want to know the costs for the provision of WASH in schools and how to fund the desired outcomes over at least a 10 year period. Read more...
Prepared by Chimbar Tom Laari; presented at the Triple-S Annual Review and Planning Meeting (ARAP), Fort Portal Uganda, 6th-11th May 2013. Read more...
A short animation explaining the life-cycle cost components and how to measure service, taking into account the indicators of quantity, quality, accessibility and reliability. Read more...
In Ouagadougou, the WASHCost team found an example of how the water sector could be organized, by looking at existing initiatives using the life-cycle cost approach. Read more...
Jacques Dutronc's song sums up how the WASH sector is waking up to the Paris Declaration, cleaning up the mess of often uncoordinated aid efforts. Read more...
IRC Uganda started the process of introducing the LCCA in the Ugandan water and sanitation sector in 2011, and has since carried out an information scan on funding in the Uganda WASH sector. Read more...
A new free and open source knowledge portal has been launched this week by Akvo and IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre. It is designed to help water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) teams achieve sustainable financing throughout the entire life-cycle of WASH services. The WASH Finance... Read more...
Dr. Kwabena Nyarko-WASHCost Ghana Country Director and Mrs Vida Duti - IRC Ghana Country Director talk about the need to plan for Capital Maintenance Expenditure as s prerequisite for sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) service delivery. Read more...
Anyone who works in the water sector cannot have missed the consultations and debates on the post-2015 goals for water and sanitation. Read more...
Financial sustainability is critical for achieving sustainable services. However, tracking financial flows in the WASH sector is notoriously complex and fragmented. Read more...
The Government of Uganda is seeking to borrow US$135 million to finance a Water Management and Development Project. Read more...
Eighteen senior water service professionals from Timor-Leste, Ghana, Uganda, India, Burkina Faso, Belgium, and The Netherlands gathered from 12 to 16 November 2012 in The Netherlands to participate in the training event: ‘An Introduction to the Concepts of Service Delivery: The Role of the Service... Read more...