Water For People, IRC y Aguaconsult han desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas para analizar los costos de llegar a una cobertura universal en agua, que dure para siempre, que a su vez sirva para identificar posibles brechas financieras. Las herramientas fueron validadas en los municipios de... Read more...
"Porque exactos son los números.......depende". Así dice la bonita canción " Depende " de Jarabe de Palo. ¿Cuáles son los números exactos de los costos del agua?...depende. Así dice la conclusión del estudio sobre costos de agua y saneamiento en Honduras. Read more...
This report, commissioned by UNHCR, presents a methodology to cost water services in post-emergency situations as well as in first emergency... Read more...
Access and share life-cycle costs quickly
In collaboration with the National Directorate of Water of the Government of Mozambique (Direcção Nacional de Àguas) and under the technical support and guidance of the multi-stakeholder Water and Sanitation Group GAS (Grupo de Agua e Saneamento), primary data collection on Mozambique was carried... Read more...
In collaboration with the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA), the WASHCost Ghana team focused its data collection in three districts (one each in the Northern, Ashanti and Volta regions) and conducted supplementary case studies in the Central region and Greater Accra. Read more...
The WASHCost Burkina Faso team conducted its research in rural and peri-urban communities across three geographically distinct areas: the dry region of Nord, the capital city Ouagadougou, and the forested Southwest region, Hauts-Bassins. Read more...
What happens when people cannot pay for water and sanitation services? Mostly, we hear about women and girls in low income countries and how they access polluted water from ponds, rivers or hand dug wells. This week, the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (USA) made it to international news for... Read more...
Briefing note from Triple-S Uganda describing findings from an information scan on funding for life-cycle costs in the WASH sector in Kabarole... Read more...
High breakdown rates of systems in rural Burkina Faso are the visible results of still poorly functioning water supply services. But in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso's capital, WASHCost found an example of how the water sector could be organized, by looking at the model of ONEA water company which is... Read more...
This short animation explains what the life-cycle cost components are and how to measure service, taking into account the indicators of quantity, quality, accessibility and reliability. Read more...
This twenty minute feature film looks into the sustainability issues of rural and peri-urban water, sanitation and hygiene services Read more...
Le projet WASHCost était un projet de recherche-action d'une durée de cinq ans (2008-2012) qui a eu pour objectif principal de quantifier les coûts à long terme des services d'approvisionnement en eau potable, d'hygiène et d'assainissement (AEPHA) en milieux rural et urbain au Burkina-Faso, au... Read more...
Implementing the life-cycle costs approach in Burkina Faso.