Key elements, success factors, partnership processes, conducive national contexts and types of global partnerships, which can support an effective... Read more...
Systematic or systemic inequalities are grounded in our mindsets; in the way, we think, in the way we plan, in the way we see people, and in the way we interpret the rights to water and sanitation. Read more...
A WASH system is made up of different people and organisations, so it's important that they all work well together. Read more...
Achieving the sustainable development goal for water and sanitation is hard to imagine. The first step is to work out the steps needed to get there. Read more...
There is a gap between what organisations have formulated in their strategies and programmatic approaches regarding social inclusion and the actual... Read more...
Economic growth is a key foundation for long-lasting social advancements Read more...
Building on the success of the 2020-2022 project, the European Union has extended its collaboration with IRC Burkina through a €3.8 million initiative running until 2027. This blog explores the synergies between the two projects and highlights the ongoing journey towards achieving SDG 6 in Burkina... Read more...
Ministry of Water and Energy (Ethiopia), COWASH, SNV and IRC reflecting on partnership work in Ethiopia Read more...
IRC Mali ouvre ses portes aux services étatiques et à la société civile. Read more...
Why are we headed for failure and what can we do about it? IRC's proof of concept galvanises and empowers local political leadership. Read more...
The USAID Sustainable WASH Systems Learning Partnership implemented by IRC Uganda in collaboration with Kabarole District Local Government will come to its end on 31 December 2021. The objective of this project was to improve the quality and sustainability of WASH service delivery through... Read more...
Kabarole District and IRC Uganda wrap up a successful Sustainable WASH Systems (SWS) learning partnership , a collaborative project that has harnessed decentralised systems and structures to strengthen rural water supply and small-town sanitation services. Read more...
Civil society working in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector in Uganda together with the Ministry of Water and Environment are engaging to re-align sector implementation to the new programmatic approach of the National Development Plan III. Read more...
How CSOs in Bangladesh, India, Kenya and elsewhere have collaborated to understand funding flows and key moments for budget decision-making, and... Read more...
Documenting the processes used to develop strong partnerships among NGOs and sharing some lessons learned about partnership development in an alliance in Ethiopia. Read more...
Unicef et IRC forment 35 députés et assistants parlementaires en genre et AFDH Read more...
Analysing partnerships and how they strengthen WASH systems.
A summary of a study on country-level accountability mechanisms in 25 countries for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 6. Read more...
On the whole, stakeholder monitoring tends to be disjointed, with the diverse actors failing to coalesce their efforts around a common set of indicators. And there is a conspicuous lack of regulation of the rural water sector. Read more...
In fact, it turns out we don't.