District partnerships are at the heart of the WASH Agenda for Change (WA4C). Read more...
In this first year of the Watershed programme the country teams define their goals in a Theory of Change workshop. Read more...
IRC's Chief Executive Patrick Moriarty reflects on the highlights from the annual water conference in Stockholm. Read more...
STOCKHOLM – Today at Stockholm World Water Week 2015, IRC and the African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) signed a partnership agreeing to work together on the delivery of lasting WASH services in Africa. Read more...
A summary of the side-event at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development July 15th 2015, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The session highlighted how domestic resource mobilization is critical to the achievement of goal 6, and to fill the substantial gap between current levels of... Read more...
You must know about the culture and beliefs of communities before co-creating solutions with them. Read more...
IRC Ghana Country Director Vida Duti will be one of the speakers at the philanthropy platform in Accra. Read more...
Important visit for the Community Water & Sanitation Agency (CWSA) and IRC in Ghana: IRC is convening a meeting on the 8th July with Hilton Grantees in Ghana for a team of Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Executives who will be in Ghana this week for the Philanthropic Conference. Read more...
Four leading international water, sanitation and hygiene organisations IRC, WaterAid, Aguaconsult, and Water For People join hands in the run-up to... Read more...
THE HAGUE - Four leading international water, sanitation and hygiene organisations IRC, Wateraid, Aguaconsult, and Water For People join hands in the run-up to the new Sustainable Development Goals. Today they presented a set of shared principles to achieve universal access to water and sanitation... Read more...
Founding a new state. How do you organise and plan for water and sanitation in a country which lacks most revenues, infrastructure or a private sector and is shattered by conflict? South Sudan: the youngest country in the world is balancing between a promising future and fiasco. Read more...
DEN HAAG, 4 februari 2015 - WASH IT! kondigt trots aan dat zij geselecteerd is als een van de 25 strategische partners van het Nederlandse Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken voor 2016-2020. Read more...
IRC country director of Uganda, Jane Nabunnya Mulumba reflects back on 2014 and sets her goals for the coming year: building on the legacy of Triple-S and reaching the national targets for water and sanitation coverage Read more...
Dans la foulée des changements sociopolitiques d'octobre 2014 au Burkina Faso, les conseils municipaux de l'ensemble des communes du pays ont été dissous. En perdant leurs partenaires clés, les ONG et associations conduisant des projets d'eau potable et d'assainissement doivent désormais trouver de... Read more...
IRC country director of Ghana Vida Duti reflects back on 2014 and sets her goals for the coming year: consolidating the successes! Read more...
Dans le cadre du travail d'IRC sur l'efficacité de l'aide publique au développement (APD), une étude sur l'analyse du financement et de la mise en œuvre du programme national d'approvisionnement en eau potable et en assainissement (PN-APEA) couvrant la période 2007-2013 a été conduite au Burkina... Read more...
Over minder dan een jaar worden in New York de opvolgers van de Millenniumdoelen vastgesteld door de Verenigde Naties: de Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). IRC en Simavi zetten dit op de kaart tijdens een bijeenkomst op 4 december 2014 in het Mauritshuis. Read more...
Understanding the difference between charity, venture philanthropy and impact investing is key to getting businesses and programmes funded Read more...
IRC will contribute to the Stockholm World Water Week which takes place from 31 August to 5 September 2014. We are launching the WASHCost book, co-convening a number of sessions and running a booth together with Water For People in the exhibition hall. Read more...
Clean water, sanitation and hygiene are of critical importance for the people living in camps, but they don't come cheap and many refugees are not going anywhere soon. Read more...