This paper presents the journeys that Agenda for Change members have gone through in progressively embracing systems strengthening approaches in... Read more...
Between 2017 and 2019, the District-Wide Approach for water and sanitation services was piloted in five districts in Rwanda. This Agenda for Change... Read more...
The Agenda for Change meeting in Bamako, Mali, held from November 12th to 14th, 2024, brought together members from across the Sahel region (Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso) to discuss and identify collaborative activities for strengthening WASH systems. Read more...
Ceci est un rapport d'un atelier de l'Agenda pour le changement sur la création d'une synergie autour des systèmes WASH dans la région du Sahel. Read more...
L'atelier Agenda for Change à Bamako a réuni des experts et partenaires pour renforcer les systèmes WASH dans le Sahel, en mettant en avant la collaboration régionale, le leadership gouvernemental et des approches innovantes pour garantir un accès universel et durable à l'eau, l'assainissement et l... Read more...
Insights from the Agenda for Change (A4C) WASH Systems WATCH Forum Read more...
The main objectives of the Agenda for Change Ethiopia collaboration are learning and coordination on WASH systems strengthening through an area-wide approach and influencing through advocacy for the adoption and scaling up of WASH systems approaches. Read more...
Capacity building under Agenda for Change, Nepal
How systems strengthening is revolutionizing water and sanitation service delivery in Uganda Read more...
The process, benefits, challenges, and learnings of water safety planning (WSP) in an Ethiopian district, using a mixed method approach and a six-... Read more...
Participants found the training to be very helpful in understanding how the systems approach is used in real-world settings and how it can be applied to improve WASH service delivery. Read more...
Ce document synthétise les enseignements tirés des processus actuellement menés par des membres d'Agenda for Change. Read more...
En este documento presentamos las enseñanzas que se han obtenido de experiencias recientes de miembros de Agenda para el Cambio. Read more...
Lessons learned from Agenda for Change members' ongoing processes. Read more...
Opportunities and threats for bridging the gaps and harnessing the opportunities of WASH systems strengthening over the next 5 years. Read more...
Mole XXXIII WASH Conference Side Event by IRC Ghana Read more...
Supporting Ethiopian water professionals and students
Un blog basé sur le document de référence de All systems Go Africa , écrit par Juste Nansi, Directeur Pays IRC Burkina Faso et Directeur Programme Régional Afrique et Elizabeth Ketty Wamera PhD. Spécialiste WASH, Bureau régional pour l'Afrique occidentale et centrale de l'UNICEF. Read more...
A blog based on the background paper of All systems Go Africa , written by Juste Nansi, Country Director IRC Burkina Faso and Director Africa Regional Programme and Elizabeth Ketty Wamera PhD., WASH Specialist, Regional Office for West & Central Africa UNICEF. Read more...