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TitleWasser fuer Alle : flaechendeckende Trinkwasserversorgung mit begleitenden Sanitaermassnahmen in der noerdlichen Trockenzone Sri Lankas
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1986
AuthorsSchleberger, E
Secondary TitleSchriftenreihe der GTZ
Volumeno. 183
Pagination108 p.: ills.
Date Published1986-01-01
Place PublishedRossdorf, Germany
ISBN Number3880852871 (G
Keywordsadministration, community participation, construction, health education, latrines, maintenance, policies, projects, pumps, rural areas, sanitation, sri lanka northern province, mulaituvu district, sri lanka northern province, vavuniya district, technical cooperation, urban areas, water supply, wells
Custom 1822
Original PublicationDrinking water supply and sanitation project in Sri Lanka


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