Lessons from the National Sanitation Campaign.
Inspirational stories about how ordinary women in India and Kenya have converted the challenges posed by COVID-19 into an opportunity to promote good... Read more...
Strategies and steps towards inclusion of persons with disabilities in the improvement of water and sanitation services in Ethiopia. Read more...
The data set includes expenditure and service level data and a sample of the survey tools used to collect this data. Read more...
The data set includes expenditure and service level data and a sample of the survey tools used to collect this data. Read more...
How government, development partners and private businesses can successfully implement market-based sanitation. Read more...
The assessment reveals that there is an urgent need for hygiene awareness and behaviour change communication initiatives in Ganjam district. Read more...
Each town sanitation plan is a strategic and integrated documentation of sanitation interventions and services tailored to Kasenda, Mugusu, Kijura and Kiko Town Councils Read more...
A costed strategic approach towards achieving improved sanitation services for households and institutions and the entire service chain. Read more...
Ensuring proper handling of human waste both within the households and institutions. Read more...
Achieving universal access to sustainable sanitation for a clean, healthy and productive urban environment by 2040 through active participation of... Read more...
Achieving a healthy tourism town with universal access to sustainable sanitation and an improved community livelihood for all by 2040 through... Read more...
WASH organisations successfully lobby to include more questions about WASH in the 2022 National Population and Housing Census. Read more...
Partnering with Ethiopia's private sector for market-based sanitation.
IRC organises a public event to raise awareness on handwashing with soap and to stop open defecation. Read more...
Theme of Ghana's World Toilet Day commemoration.
On November 10 th , 14:30 CET ( 13:30 GMT and 16:30 EAT ), representatives from FCDO , SNV , Tearfund , Plan International UK , and Itad will discuss learning under three headings: Payment-by-Results, sustainability, and reaching the vulnerable . Read more...
Thanks to IRC Uganda's cost-saving initiative Bwanika Health Centre II in Kabarole District now has a sanitation facility. Read more...
The Omanhene (chief) of Wamahinso in Asutifi North, Ghana, has welcomed the new water supply in his town and called for more households to build toilets. Read more...
Material prepared by a team from the Ghana National Development Planning Commission and IRC Ghana The Assembly WASH team went from house to house, providing toilets for those who applied. Demand soon outstripped supply – reflecting that the community was ready for change but resources were in short... Read more...