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Poor self-employed women are the members of SEWA (Self Employed Women's Association) a trade union registered in Ahmedabad in 1972. In 1974 SEWA Bank was established by 4,000 depositors, and owned by self employed women.

TitleCredit connections : meeting the infrastructure needs of the informal sector through microfinance in urban India
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsGB, DFIDUnited Kin, Self Employed Women's Association -Ahmedabad, IN, SEWA, Delhi, INWater and
PaginationVideo (15 min.) : VHS
Date Published1999-11-01
PublisherSelf Employed Women's Association, SEWA
Place PublishedAhmedabad, India
Keywordsfinancing, gender, housing, infrastructure, latrines, microcredit, safe water supply, sanitation, sdigen, water collection time

Poor self-employed women are the members of SEWA (Self Employed Women's Association) a trade union registered in Ahmedabad in 1972. In 1974 SEWA Bank was established by 4,000 depositors, and owned by self employed women. Its policies are formulated by their own elected board of women workers. The Bank provides microfinance to poor women. The Mahila Housing SEWA Trust was formed in 1994 to improve housing and infrastructure conditions of poor, self-employed women; to create improved access to shelter related services; and to influence policy in order to improve living conditions.
Micro-credit has been an effective mechanism for improved infrastructure coverage. In fact access to credit is essential for infrastructure projects where communities contribute to capital and maintenance costs of services. Ahmedabad is one example where slum dwellers are successfully working in partnership to access improved services. The partnership involves community members, the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, SEWA Bank, and Mahila Housing SEWA Trust. This film examines the mechanisms and positive effects of improved infrastructure facilitated by microfinance through portraits of the women involved.

NotesVideo is also available in Hindi
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