IRC is providing technical support to UNICEF to help implement the "Drink From Tap" Mission.
Published on: 24/01/2020
Chatrapur Block in Ganjam District of Odisha state, India. Photo: IRC
The state government of Odisha in India has launched an ambitious programme to provide a household water connection to nearly 4 million people, who are currently served by public stand posts. The aptly named “Drink From Tap” Mission aims to provide 24/7 metered water supply, water source protection, appropriate water treatment and prevention of recontamination in the distribution system.
IRC is collaborating with UNICEF, which has partnered with the Odisha’s Housing & Urban Development Department (H&UD) to implement the Mission. IRC ’s role will be to “provide key technical support across key roles, utilising expertise in urban utility performance, systems analysis, capacity building and stakeholder engagement”. Specific outputs include a policy brief, a service level review and a review of the Mission’s communication strategy.
UNICEF Odisha Chief of Field Office Monika Nielsen and IRC CEO Patrick Moriarty sign Letter of Understanding. Photo: Odisha Housing & Urban Development Department (H&UD)
In the first phase of the Mission, over 120,000 people from 22,000 households in the cities of Puri and Bhubaneswar will receive a household connection by March 2020.
Drink From Tap Mission: Odisha H&UD Dept, UNICEF Ink LoU, Ommcom News, 25 Oct 2019
A Letter of Understanding between H&UD and UNICEF was signed on 25 October 2019 in the presence of Odisha’s Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik and IRC as witness. The planned duration of IRC’s involvement will be from November 2019 to June 2020.
"As an organisation that espouses strong government leadership in water and sanitation, we salute the Hon. Chief Minister's commitment to satisfying his citizens' human right to safe water. IRC is honoured to be part of this exciting initiative alongside the Government of Odisha and UNICEF" - Patrick Moriarty, IRC CEO.
For more information see the attached Letter of Understanding between H&UD and UNICEF.