Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IRC, Simavi, Wetlands International and Akvo partner up to increase sustainability of water, sanitation and hygiene services
Published on: 20/11/2015
On 20 November, IRC, Simavi, Wetlands International and Akvo signed the WASH IT! Partnership Agreement with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to jointly increase the sustainability of water, sanitation and hygiene services by improving the governance of water, sanitation and hygiene services and of the water resources on which they draw. This is a prerequisite to meet the target of Global Goal 6: universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene by 2030.
The partnership is part of the Dialogue and Dissent policy framework of Minister Lilianne Ploumen in which 25 alliances together with the Ministry will strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations in ‘lobbying and advocacy’ in low- and low-middle income countries. The focus on lobbying and advocacy is important for civil society to be able to hold governments and companies to account for contributing to inclusive growth and help reduce inequality.
The WASH IT! Strategic Partnership will be implemented at international level and in six countries: Kenya, Uganda, Mali, Ghana, Bangladesh, and India. In these countries the partnership will strengthen the capacities of national civil society to make the voice of customers heard to government and the private sector to ensure they respect the human rights to water and sanitation as well as sustainable management of water resources for future generations. A strong civil society is essential to hold service providers and governments to account. This will contribute to measurable improvements in the quality and sustainability of WASH services.
This partnership creates a great opportunity for the participating organisations to join their forces, use their knowledge and expertise in lobbying and advocacy to make the voice of civil society heard.