Guidelines for strengthening woreda-wide WASH systems in Ethiopia
Focus: District-wide approach in Ethiopia.
This document provides guidelines for the implementation of WASH systems-strengthening at the woreda/district level. The guidelines are based on the woreda-wide approach (WWA), which is a proven model for improving WASH systems at the local level. The guidelines provide an overview of the woreda-wide approach and the principles that underpin it and a step-by-step guide on how to implement the approach. This document is primarily for Agenda for Change members, government bodies, and other organizations involved in WASH systems change. For the guidelines to be effective, all stakeholders need to agree and buy into them.
Although the guidelines have been developed for Ethiopia, they include general step-by-step guidance and tools for the development of district WASH master plans and the tools which can be useful beyond Ethiopia.
Agenda for Change : a district level roadmap for universal access to sustainable WASH services
Focus: Non country specific roadmap for district WAHs master planning
This document describes how the principles and practice of Agenda for Change (AfC) can be applied at district level, following a generic (e.g. non-country specific) roadmap. In that it:
A district level roadmap for universal access to sustainable sanitation services
Focus: Sanitation
This document provides guidance, available tools, and case studies from Agenda for Change members on district-level planning for sustainable sanitation services. This roadmap is based on primary and secondary sources of information and builds on the work carried out by other WASH organizations such as Plan International and UNICEF.
EMPOWERS approach to water governance: guidelines, methods and tools
Focus: District-level planning for water governance
This book contains guidelines, methods and tools for use in processes of planning and dialogue within and between local and intermediate levels. It describes a practical and logical framework of activities based on the involvement of those who use and manage water. The guidelines advocate a process of collaboration through dialogue, to bring about a change in the way water sector professionals and water users work with each other. The first three chapters of the guidelines act as an explanation of the overall approach. Chapter 4 contains a detailed description of the individual phases and sub-phases of the management cycle for the intermediate and local levels. Chapter 5 contains a comprehensive set of methods and tools for working with the approach
SWITCH in the city: putting urban water management to the test
Focus: City-level planning for integrated urban water management
This document is an output from the SWITCH Project (2006-2011), a major research partnership involving an implementing consortium of 33 partners from 15 countries. SWITCH involved innovation in the area of sustainable urban water management often also referred to as integrated urban water management (IUWM). Part 3 of this book provides 'how to' guidelines for enabling stakeholders to engage constructively to design innovation and intervention processes and how to promote putting research into use. Each section is supported by key lessons and examples from SWITCH cities, including tips and tricks, and sources of further information. These guidelines provide useful guidance for the participatory development of a city-wide integrated water management plan. Part 2 of the book presents several case studies about city-level participatory planning of integrated urban water management, including from Accra (2.5) and Alexandria (2.6).