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J. A. Hueb, Pipes and operation and maintenance in selected cities of Pakistan. World Health Organization, Community Water Supply & Sanitation Unit, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 147 p.: tab., fig., photogr., 1990.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, Rural water supply and sanitation : proposal for cost recovery. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 29 p.: tab., 1990.
K. Tayler, Sewerage for low-income communities in Pakistan, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 21-24: fig., photogr., tab., 1990.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Lahore, P. K. N. E. S. P. A. K. -, and Wardrop-Acres -Winnipeg, Man, CA, Balochistan : strategic provincial investment plan and project preparation for rural water supply, sanitation and health : final strategic investment plan. Wardrop-Acres, Winnipeg, Man, Canada, p. 2 vol. (xxii, 309 p. ; [27] p.): fig., tab., 1989.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Lahore, P. K. N. E. S. P. A. K. -, and Wardrop-Acres -Winnipeg, Man, CA, Baluchistan : strategic provincial investment plan and project preparation for rural water supply, sanitation and health : inception report. Wardrop-Acres, Winnipeg, Man, Canada, p. ca. 160 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
J. J. Burns, Field testing preliminary version of primary health care management advancement program : Gilgit - Pakistan, vol. no. 275. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. x, 110 p.: fig., map, 1989.
M. Bamberger and Ahmed, V., Monitoring and evaluating development projects : the South Asian experience. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, Economic Development Institute, 1989, p. viii, 91 p.: tab.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Lahore, P. K. N. E. S. P. A. K. -, and Wardrop-Acres -Winnipeg, Man, CA, Northern areas : strategic provincial investment plan and project preparation for rural water supply, sanitation and health : inception report. Wardrop-Acres, Winnipeg, Man, Canada, p. ca. 90 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Lahore, P. K. N. E. S. P. A. K. -, Islamabad, P. K. Developmen, and Wardrop-Acres -Winnipeg, Man, CA, Northern Areas : strategic provincial investment plan and project preparation for rural water supply, sanitation and health : final strategic investment plan. Wardrop-Acres, Winnipeg, Man, Canada, p. 2 vol. (xxvi, 137 p. ; ca. 128 p.): fig., tab., 1989.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Lahore, P. K. N. E. S. P. A. K. -, and Wardrop-Acres -Winnipeg, Man, CA, NWFP : strategic provincial investment plan and project preparation for rural water supply, sanitation and health : inception report. Wardrop-Acres, Winnipeg, Man, Canada, p. ca. 160 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Lahore, P. K. N. E. S. P. A. K. -, and Wardrop-Acres -Winnipeg, Man, CA, NWFP : strategic provincial investment plan and project preparation for rural water supply, sanitation and health : final strategic investment plan. Wardrop-Acres, Winnipeg, Man, Canada, p. 2 vol. (xii, 213 p. ; ca. 140 p.): fig., tab., 1989.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Lahore, P. K. N. E. S. P. A. K. -, and Wardrop-Acres -Winnipeg, Man, CA, Pakistan : strategic provincial investment plan and project preparation for rural water supply, sanitation and health : national executive summary of the inception reports. Wardrop-Acres, Winnipeg, Man, Canada, p. iii, 17 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Lahore, P. K. N. E. S. P. A. K. -, and Wardrop-Acres -Winnipeg, Man, CA, Pakistan : strategic provincial investment plan and project preparation for rural water supply, sanitation and health : national executive summary of the draft investment plan. Wardrop-Acres, Winnipeg, Man, Canada, p. iv, 30 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Lahore, P. K. N. E. S. P. A. K. -, and Wardrop-Acres -Winnipeg, Man, CA, Punjab : strategic provincial investment plan and project preparation for rural water supply, sanitation and health : inception report. Wardrop-Acres, Winnipeg, Man, Canada, p. ca. 150 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Lahore, P. K. N. E. S. P. A. K. -, and Wardrop-Acres -Winnipeg, Man, CA, Punjab : strategic provincial investment plan and project preparation for rural water supply, sanitation and health : draft investment plan. Wardrop-Acres, Winnipeg, Man, Canada, p. xi, 81 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
H. A. Pasha and McGarry, M. G., Rural water supply and sanitation in Pakistan : lessons from experience, vol. no. 105. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1989, p. vii, 57 p.: map, photogr.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Lahore, P. K. N. E. S. P. A. K. -, and Wardrop-Acres -Winnipeg, Man, CA, Sind : strategic provincial investment plan and project preparation for rural water supply, sanitation and health : inception report. Wardrop-Acres, Winnipeg, Man, Canada, p. ca. 200 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Lahore, P. K. N. E. S. P. A. K. -, and Wardrop-Acres -Winnipeg, Man, CA, Sindh [Sind] : strategic provincial investment plan and project preparation for rural water supply, sanitation and health : draft investment plan. Wardrop-Acres, Winnipeg, Man, Canada, p. vi, 99 p.: fig., tab., 1989.
B. McNelis and Derrick, A., Solar water pumping : clean water for rural areas. IT Power, Eversley, UK, p. [19] p.: fig., 1989.
J. J. van der Linden, Succesful supply of plots for the poor : the case of Hyderabad, Pakistan, vol. no. 22. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Free University Amsterdam, Institute of Cultural Anthropology, 1989, p. vii, 71 p.: 2 tab.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US, Women in Pakistan : an economic and social strategy. Washington, DC, USA: World Bank, 1989, p. xxxi, 192 p.: 10 fig., 12 tab.


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