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TitleUse of wastewater in irrigated agriculture : country studies from Bolivia, Ghana and Tunisia. Volume 3. Tunisia
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsChenini, F, Huibers, FP, Agodzo, SK, van Lier, JB, Duran, A
Pagination51 p. : 10 fig., 25 tab.
Date Published2002-11-30
PublisherAgriculture University Wageningen, Irrigation and Water Engineering Group
Place PublishedWageningen, The Netherlands
ISSN Number9067547034
Keywordscountry profiles, economic aspects, institutional aspects, irrigation, legislation, sdiafr, sdipol, tunisia, urbanization, wastewater recycling, water demand, water quality monitoring, water supply
Custom 1824, 351.2



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