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Update, supplemented with learning gained from Methodology for Participatory Assessment with Communities, Institutions and Policy Makers (MPA) applications worldwide during 1999-2002, of the original MPA Metguide published in March 2000.

TitleSustainability planning and monitoring in community water supply and sanitation : a guide on the methodology for participatory assesment (MPA) for community-driven development programs
Publication TypeManual
Year of Publication2003
Authorsvan Wijk-Sijbesma, CA, Mukherjee, N
Paginationvii, 157 p. : 26 boxes, 27 fig., 3 tabs.
Date Published2003-01-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation Program, WSP
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
Keywordsaction learning, benin, case studies, community participation, data analysis, demand responsive approaches, evaluation, gender, guidelines, indicators, indonesia, laos, methodology, participatory methods, poverty, programmes, sanitation, sdiman, sdipar, sustainability, viet nam, water supply

Update, supplemented with learning gained from Methodology for Participatory Assessment with Communities, Institutions and Policy Makers (MPA) applications worldwide during 1999-2002, of the original MPA Metguide published in March 2000. The document presents the MPA as it is currently being used in Asia, Africa and Latin America. It consolidates the lessons learned in the process of its continuing development. Section 1 represents the extensively re-written and supplemented version of the original Metguide. Section 2 contains case studies.


30 ref.

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202.5, 302.5

Original PublicationMethodology for participatory assessments : with communities, institutions and policy makers : linking sustainability with demand, gender and poverty : METGUIDE
Citation Key51779



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